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(Really Simple Syndication) A syndication format that was developed by Netscape in 1999 and became very popular for aggregating updates to blogs and news sites. RSS also stood for "Rich Site Summary" and "RDF Site Summary." A source for creating RSS feeds is See syndication format for more on syndication feeds.

RSS Lineage (RSS 1.0 and RSS 2.0)
There are two lineages of RSS. RSS 1.0 conforms to the W3C's RDF specification and was released from the RSS-DEV Working Group in 2000 (see RDF). In 1999, Radio Userland's Dave Winer took over Netscape's RSS 0.91, later upgrading it to Versions 0.92 and 0.94 and turning it over to Harvard in 2003 as RSS 2.0. Most newsreaders support both formats.
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References in periodicals archive ?
In this month's column, I will provide pointers on how to set up your own RSS feed. This can help increase readership on your website, publicize a podcast, or keep your patients up to date on the latest treatments and procedures in your practice.
The automation of multiple RSS feeds in newsletters is not easy through existing email software and so FlipRSS has been developed to integrate with leading email-marketing solutions Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor.
Thousands of websites now offer RSS feeds, including most of the large medical information services, all the major news organizations, and many web logs.
The newspapers in the three countries are fairly close in their use of other common communication technologies, such as RSS Feeds, surveys, forums, blogs, mobile technology, and other new media.
RSS feeds are planned as a part of the new delivery strategy.
You can also subscribe to an RSS feed by Subject, please click here to browse all the subject categories available.
Our first RSS reader could read a single feed, while our second one could read multiple feeds, however both of them suffered from one grave flaw, any RSS feeds you added would be gone at the next restart, and so would any loaded stories.
RSS feeds can also be used to update weather and other information from the Web automatically.
They can read articles and engage in dialogue by posting comments or questions and track updates through Twitter or RSS feeds. Other resources available on the site include podcasts, videos and webinars.
And they occupy a growing piece of our consciousness, thanks to RSS feeds, Twitter messages, mailing list and newsletter subscriptions, instant messaging, e-mail and Web surfing.