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RSSFRss Feed
RSSFRevolutionary Socialist Students' Federation (political organization)
RSSFRural Strategic Support Fund (UK)
RSSFRapid-Scanning Stopped-Flow
RSSFRail Safety Strategic Forum (Independent Transport Safety and Reliability Regulator; Australia)
RSSFRemote Software Support Facility
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Alternatively, many organizations that publish their own articles and news stories use a content management system (CMS) to organize, store, and publish their material, including RSS feeds. Examples include Drupal and Plone, which are both free, open-source programs.
RSS feeds are a more efficient and increasingly popular method of staying current on all the subjects that interest you--medical and otherwise.
We can provide full content RSS feed to publishers, all you have to do is plug-in the RSS feed in your XML parser and you are ready to go.
After this we are calling the getAll() function to receive all entries already stored in it, making them the source of data for the list of RSS feed entries.
Three are always open for e-mail, the Google Reader RSS feed and three news aggregation sites: Techmeme for technology news, Blogrunner for general news and Wikio for global coverage.
An RSS feed is a signal that can automatically display content aggregated from hundreds of different online sources such as news sites, blogs and constant searches on specific keywords.
Improvements include software to read text aloud for those with sight loss, a tool to translate the content into different languages and an RSS feed so visitors can track the latest hospital news.
Whenever a blog is updated--that is, the blog author has written a new post--an RSS feed is immediately and automatically generated.
An RSS feed (often called a news feed) can check sites using an RSS aggregator (a program that gathers and sorts out feeds).
National Public Radio < podcast_directory.php> also contains lots of audio that can be accessed with an RSS feed.