Also found in: Acronyms.


1. Read The Fucking Source. Variant form of RTFM, used when the problem at hand is not necessarily obvious and not answerable from the manuals - or the manuals are not yet written and maybe never will be. For even trickier situations, see RTFB. Unlike RTFM, the anger inherent in RTFS is not usually directed at the person asking the question, but rather at the people who failed to provide adequate documentation.

2. Read The Fucking Standard; this oath can only be used when the problem area (e.g. a language or operating system interface) has actually been codified in a ratified standards document. The existence of these standards documents (and the technically inappropriate but politically mandated compromises that they inevitably contain, and the impenetrable legalese in which they are invariably written, and the unbelievably tedious bureaucratic process by which they are produced) can be unnerving to hackers, who are used to a certain amount of ambiguity in the specifications of the systems they use. (Hackers feel that such ambiguities are acceptable as long as the Right Thing to do is obvious to any thinking observer; sadly, this casual attitude toward specifications becomes unworkable when a system becomes popular in the Real World.) Since a hacker is likely to feel that a standards document is both unnecessary and technically deficient, the deprecation inherent in this term may be directed as much against the standard as against the person who ought to read it.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (foldoc.org)
References in periodicals archive ?
Rainbow trout is the second most-produced finfish by volume on UK fish farms after salmon, making RTFS a long-standing issue for producers like Kames.
A total of three board members have left since Krensavage Asset Management launched its campaign to shake up RTFs governance.
A second improvement to the method was development (Spitler and Nigusse 2010; Nigusse 2007) of a compact RTF generation program.
Users should try to stay away from RTF files, but if there is no other option, they could scan it with security software first.
En los ultimos 20 anos han sido descritas en diferentes partes del mundo patologias similares en alevinos, juveniles y adultos de "trucha arcoiris", todas bajo el nombre generico de sindrome del alevin de trucha arcoiris ("Raibow Trout Fry Sindrome" o RTFS) (Bernardet et al.
Rattlesnakes then exhibit a sustained high rate of tongue flicking (RTF) and commence highly stereotyped side to side searching movements with the head (Dullemeijer, 1961).
Children may be channeled into residential care through several doors--chiefly, through the courts and DSS in neglect and abuse, or JD and PINS proceedings, through the school district's CSE, or by the New York State Office of Mental Health (OMH) into residential treatment facilities (RTFs).
RTFS first attempts to quantify the past relationships between each monthly indicator and GDP growth for a quarter.
Project Falcon is slated to replace the ageing Ptarmigan and Euromux systems used by the British Army and the RTFS system currently with the Royal Navy.
To better understand the process for UML evolution, it will be helpful to examine the generic mechanisms that the OMG provides for standards revisions: Request for Proposals (RFPs) and Revision Task Forces (RTFs) [6].
Meanwhile, for many firms, improved information technology, often available on the desktop, has ushered in the era of custom pricing and P&Ls by customer, frequent RTFs (responses to forecasts) and just-in-time systems that respond to daily demand cycles.