RSS feed

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RSS feed

Summaries of website content that are published in the RSS format for download. See RSS.
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Once your feed is live, you'll want to list it on some of the many RSS feed directories to maximize its visibility on search engines.
The automation of multiple RSS feeds in newsletters is not easy through existing email software and so FlipRSS has been developed to integrate with leading email-marketing solutions Mailchimp and Campaign Monitor.
It can work the other way as well: If you want readers of your website, blog, or podcast to receive the latest news about your practice, such as new treatments and procedures you're offering--or if you want to know immediately anytime your name pops up in news or gossip sites--you can create your own RSS feed. Next month, I'll explain exactly how to do that.
In addition, BEA also offers an RSS feed, which pushes short notices of new statistical releases to customers through their browsers or special readers.
There is also a bundled package of two programs, FeedforAll and RecordforAll from NotePage, Inc., which combine recording needs and support for creating the RSS feed.
RSS feeds are planned as a part of the new delivery strategy.
You can also subscribe to an RSS feed by Subject, please click here to browse all the subject categories available.
To further simplify things we will use an RSS feed library developed by Adobe called as3syndicationlib.
You can also subscribe to the RSS feed of any of the six agencies.
There's the urgent e-mail that arrives when you're heads-down on a project, the scads of stuff to browse through to make sure you're not missing anything relevant, and the temptation to scan your RSS feed during conference calls.