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Related to RSIP: RSIP gateway


(Realm Specific IP) A network address translation technology that performs a similar function to NAT while maintaining end-to-end transparency. Whereas NAT inserts new IP addresses into the packet headers at the router, RSIP does it at the client side. When a user's machine (RSIP client) wants to contact a host on the Internet, it queries the RSIP server for a port number and public IP address. The client then tunnels the packets to the RSIP server, which strips off the tunnel headers and sends the packets to the Internet. On incoming packets, the RSIP server looks up the client IP based on port number, adds the tunnel header and sends them to the RSIP client. See RSIP gateway and NAT.
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In addition, the PPF had the longer term goal of turning police operations in the Solomon Islands over to the Royal Solomon Island Police (RSIP) in order to ensure that law and order in the Solomon Islands was controlled by the Solomon Island people.
Full-scale production of RSIP modification kits started in October 1997.
The Radar System Improvement Program (RSIP), for which Northrop Grumman has a $300 million contract, will upgrade radar sensitivity/electronic counter-countermeasures (ECCM) performance and radar performance monitoring and control, as well as reliability and maintainability.
Under development since the late 1980s, Block 30/35 upgrades include a radar upgrade under the radar system improvement program (RSIP), improved IFF, GPS navigation and the addition of ESM.