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McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.


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(Rich Text Format) A document format from Microsoft for encoding text and graphics. It was adapted from IBM's DCA format and supports ANSI, IBM PC and Mac character sets. The RTF format is used as a source document for Windows Help files and other Microsoft products.
Copyright © 1981-2019 by The Computer Language Company Inc. All Rights reserved. THIS DEFINITION IS FOR PERSONAL USE ONLY. All other reproduction is strictly prohibited without permission from the publisher.
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The RTF document file format was originally developed by Microsoft in 1987 for sharing documents across computing platforms.
Headings RTF for control (A and B grouped together) and experimental groups were tested for mean directions (Rayleigh tests).
If you receive an unsolicited email with a RTF file attached, view it with suspicion.
Despite the security vulnerability, Sophos recommends that RTF files should be used instead of DOC files, because the latter are still much more likely to harbour viruses.
IN THIS SECTION, CRIS KOBRYN DESCRIBES THE process and activities of the RTF and the changes made to the UML leading up to version 1.3.
Of course, some clever hacker noted this and also figured out that you can rename a Word ".doc" file with an "rtf" extension, and Word will open it up as if it were a standard Word document.
This form of nanocomposite, says RTF, features a 3% to 5% loading, producing lightweight parts with impact strength similar to that of the unfilled resin.
* "Formatting documents with DSSSL specifications and Jade": One of the advantages of SGML is that you can store your documents without formatting so you can later apply different formats as needed, such as when you want to deliver an SGML document to a Web browser as HTML or to a Microsoft Word user in Rich Text Format (RTF).
Corsearch said that Online Reports can be saved and formatted as RTF documents that include database dates and online billing information.