Atlanta campaign

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Atlanta campaign

Atlanta campaign, May–Sept., 1864, of the U.S. Civil War. In the spring of 1864, Gen. W. T. Sherman concentrated the Union armies of G. H. Thomas, J. B. McPherson, and J. M. Schofield around Chattanooga. On May 6 he began to move along the railroad from Chattanooga to Atlanta against Dalton, Ga., c.30 mi (48 km) southeast, where Gen. J. E. Johnston had a smaller Confederate force. Sherman had a twofold objective: the destruction of Johnston's army and the capture of Atlanta, c.140 mi (225 km) southeast. Since Johnston was strongly entrenched, Sherman turned his left flank, forcing him back to Resaca, c.12 mi (19 km) south. The campaign continued in this way—Sherman outflanking Johnston, who withdrew to previously fortified positions—until June 27, when Sherman tried a direct attack at Kennesaw Mt., c.25 mi (40 km) NW of Atlanta, and was repulsed. He then reverted to flank operations. By July, Johnston had withdrawn to the south bank of the Chattahoochee River, where he prepared to fight on his own terms. On July 17, the day Sherman crossed the Chattahoochee, John Bell Hood replaced Johnston. Following Johnston's plan, Hood unsuccessfully attacked Sherman's divided army (July 20) as it crossed Peach Tree Creek, a small tributary of the Chattahoochee. In the battles of Atlanta (July 22) and Ezra Church (July 28), Hood again failed to stop the Union advance; he then retired behind the strong works of Atlanta, which Sherman soon had under bombardment. The Union lines were gradually extended until the Confederate line of communications south of the city was broken on Sept. 1. Hood abandoned Atlanta that night and Sherman occupied it on Sept. 2, 1864, and burned it.


See A. A. Hoehling, Last Train from Atlanta (1958); S. Carter, The Siege of Atlanta, 1864 (1973); A. Castel, Decision in the West: The Atlanta Campaign of 1864 (1992).

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References in periodicals archive ?
Decisions of the Atlanta Campaign: The Twenty-One Critical Decisions That Defined the Operation
However, if the author hoped to contribute to an extensive scholarly discussion of the Atlanta Campaign's place within the Civil War, he missed the mark.
"While I live and breathe politics and governance, I had not been involved directly in an Atlanta campaign in a while," Teper says, "but the vision Alex has for the City's future is one I wholeheartedly support and wanted to be involved in."
In "All the Fighting They Want: The Atlanta Campaign from Peachtree Creek to the City's Surrender, July 18-September 2, 1864 ", military historian Steve Davis, (who is perhaps the world's foremost authority on the Atlanta campaign) vividly presents the last great struggle for the city.
They include the Jamestown Massacre, the Battles of Lexington and Concord, the Battle of Tippecanoe, the Battle of the Alamo, the Battle of Gettysburg, the Atlanta Campaign, the Battle of Wounded Knee, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the Battle of Midway, the invasion of Normandy, the Battle of the Bulge, the Hiroshima and Nagasaki bombings, the Tet Offensive, Operation Desert Storm, and Operation Enduring Freedom.
the Virginia; Shiloh; Antietam; Fredericksburg; Chancellorsville; Gettysburg; Chickamauga; The Overland Campaign; the Atlanta Campaign; the March to the Sea; and Hood's Tennessee Campaign, among others.
Sherman moved one hundred thousand soldiers through Paulding County during his Atlanta Campaign. In opposition to him were Confederate General Joseph E.
Visitor center includes video and interactive museum on the battle and the Atlanta Campaign. Site features earthworks, interpretive walking trails and living history programs.
Similarly, in Georgia, Chickamauga & Chattanooga National Military Park and Kennesaw Mountain National Battlefield Park are relatively well-protected portions of the historic Atlanta campaign. But other areas--such as Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and New Hope Church battlefield--are in desperate need of stewardship.

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