Atlantic Salmon Federation

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Atlantic Salmon Federation (ASF)

Address:PO Box 5200
Saint Andrews, NB E5B3S8

Established: 1948. Description:Promotes the conservation and sensible management of the wild Atlantic salmon and its environment. Efforts include preventing the extinction of salmon and restoring depleted populations. Promotes public awareness and workshops to educate individuals about the importance of healthy rivers and salmon populations. Dues: $40/year.
Publications: Atlantic Salmon Journal (quarterly); free to members.

See other parks in New Brunswick.
Parks Directory of the United States, 5th Edition. © 2007 by Omnigraphics, Inc.
References in periodicals archive ?
In October 1999, the Research and Environment Department of the Atlantic Salmon Federation confirmed that ISA-infected salmon from Atlantic fish farms had escaped and apparently spread the disease to the embattled wild salmon populations.
These smolts were supplied by two hatcheries operated by the Federal DFO, the Atlantic Salmon Federation, and 10 private hatcheries.
A landmark event occurred when the Atlantic Salmon Federation stopped netting off the coast of Greenland by buying all commercial fishing rights from Denmark and Greenland.
Associated with the SDDF is the Salmon Genetics Research Program (SGRP) jointly sponsored by the DFO and the Atlantic Salmon Federation, a private nonprofit conservation group.

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