Incorrect rank/rewards

by IllIlIlIlllIll

Original Post

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★★★ Newbie

Same i got -4898RP when i rank on diamond first time.

Message 31 of 273 (3,099 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★★ Novice

Once this is done and if you still see issues, can I get the following info:

Have you played a ranked match this split? Y/N

Yes it dropped me RP and put me in plat 3

Split 1 final rank achieved: Rookie
Split 2/current rank displayed in the lobby: Plat 3

Split 1 rank shown on stats page: Masters 32767 RP
Split 2/current rank shown on stats page: Plat 2


I have never played ranked on this account and now i'm suddenly masters 



Message 32 of 273 (3,084 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★★ Novice

Have you played a ranked match this split? Yes i have played after i thought it was a visual bug (PSN wlzhv)

Split 1 final rank achieved: Masters 15k rp
Split 2/current rank displayed in the lobby: Gold 4

Split 1 rank shown on stats page: Masters 15k rp
Split 2/current rank shown on stats page: plat 2

Message 33 of 273 (3,064 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

[ Edited ]

Oh boy, time for another course of ranked issues?


Really seems like it's the season for these types of things lol.

Hopefully this'll be fixed in no time.

Message 34 of 273 (3,047 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★ Novice

@EA_David I have played this ranked split

i reached masters

it shows me in gold 4 which shouldn’t be that it should be p2 right?

it shows d4 for last split when I was definitely masters

it shows me in gold 4

pls help

Message 35 of 273 (3,029 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★ Newbie

Have you played a ranked match this split? Y/N


Split 1 final rank achieved: Platinum 3
Split 2/current rank displayed in the lobby: Bronze 3

Split 1 rank shown on stats page: Gold 3
Split 2/current rank shown on stats page: bronze 3

Message 36 of 273 (3,017 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

[ Edited ]
★★ Novice

Same thing happened to me. Is there somewhere where you can get this resolved? 


Season 16 Rank - Split 1 Plat2  Split 2 Bronze 2


PSN: Bebopkola 

Message 37 of 273 (3,001 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★★★ Newbie

In Division 1 of the 16th season, I reached the Diamond ranking, but when I clicked to view more detailed updates, I found that the displayed ranking was still Gold 2. However, that day was April Fool's Day, and I thought it was part of April Fool's Day. However, when Division 2 of the 16th season was updated, I logged into the Apex game account and received a message that I would be reset to Gold 2. However, I found that my actual reset ranking was Silver 4, This is not in line with my actual situation. I have asked people around me and many have encountered such situations. Therefore, please help me fix it as soon as possible, which is very important to me. I have provided a picture of my 16th season diamond ranking scores and the current situation here.

The issue of display errors existed after a certain update in the season, but I thought it was just a simple display issue, but I didn't expect it to affect my initial ranking score in Division 2

Message 38 of 273 (2,994 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★ Newbie


Have you played a ranked match this split? Yes

Split 1 final rank achieved: Plat 4
Split 2/current rank displayed in the lobby: Bronze IV

Split 1 rank shown on stats page: Gold IV
Split 2/current rank shown on stats page: Gold 2

Message 39 of 273 (2,977 Views)

Re: Ranked reset to the wrong rank

★★★★★ Novice

Ps4 Dr_Boudy 


Diamond 4 last split and previous consistent diamond+ 

went into lobby after season reset and showed gold 2 with the intro message but then was kicked to main screen went back in and was further reset down to bronze 4 (as if the game double reset my rank)


I feel as an upper skilled player this is taking unfair advantage of newer / lower skilled players - also the only diamond dive trail in these lobbies 


Stats show gold 2 as split 1 rank and have played approx 15 games into split 2 ranked with no correction of actual rank



Message 40 of 273 (2,970 Views)