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LEALocal Education Agency
LEALocal Education Authority (UK)
LEALiga de Los Estados Arabes (Spanish: League of Arab States)
LEALaw Enforcement Agency
LEALaw Enforcement Administration (college courses)
LEALocal Enforcement Agency
LEALow Energy Architecture
LEALog Export Api
LEALeft Edge Algorithm
LEALate Embryogenesis Abundant (protein)
LEALangues Étrangères Appliquées (France)
LEALocal Electoral Act (New Zealand)
LEALanguage Experience Approach (reading instruction approach)
LEALateral Entorhinal Area
LEALawrence Erlbaum Associates, Inc (academic publisher)
LEALife Expectancy Age
LEALutheran Education Australia
LEALower Extremity Amputation
LEALoad Effective Address
LEALutheran Education Association (Forest, IL)
LEALicensure Examination for Agriculturists (Philippines)
LEALaw Enforcement Activity
LEALoss Executives Association
LEALaboratoire d'Economie Appliquée
LEALearmonth, Western Australia, Australia (Airport Code)
LEALocal Environment Agency
LEALogistics Engineering Analysis
LEALight Enforcement Aircraft
LEALeadership Equity Association (Germany)
LEALoin Eye Area (meat-producing animals)
LEALicense-Exempt Alliance
LEALongman Essential Activator
LEALocal Employment Initiatives (UK)
LEALogistics Evaluation Agency (US Army)
LEALittleton Education Association
LEALimited Exclusion Area
LEALong Endurance Aircraft
LEALocal Enterprise Agency Ltd.
LEALauncher Electronic Assembly
LEALife Threatening Episodes of Asthma
LEALaboratoire d'Essais Analytiques (French: Analytical Testing Laboratory)
LEALower Enclosure Assembly
LEALaw Enforcement Availability System
LEALocally Equivalent Alternatives
LEALinear Explosive Array
LEALaptop Encryption Administrator
LEALaunch Enable Alarm
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References in classic literature ?
Distant from Rondelo a hundred and thirty leagues is the Isle of Suaquem, where the Bassa of that country chooses his residence, for the convenience of receiving the tribute with greater exactness, there being a large trade carried on here with the Abyssins.
When I had made something more than a league of way by the help of this current or eddy, I found it was spent, and served me no further.
If they want to lie by a little, or to refresh the crew, they come to Pirial along the coast; from Pirial they find another inverse current, which carries them to the Isle-Dumal, two leagues and a half."
"'Have you never heard of the League of the Red-headed Men?' he asked with his eyes open.
The two travellers had been on their way for five hours, and made more than eight leagues, and yet Gryphus had not the least suspicion of his daughter having left the fortress.
"That's impossible," said the gentleman; "I have traveled sixty leagues in forty hours, and by tomorrow at midday I must be in London."
This was approved of as the best method for our security, and accordingly we steered away NNE., keeping above fifty leagues off from the usual course to the eastward.
There was no water nearer than three or four leagues, and that only in very small quantity, and bad: the soil was absolutely sterile; I looked in vain even for a lichen adhering to the rocks.
At that moment Barbicane thought he could estimate the distance which separated them from their aim at no more than 700 leagues. The speed of the projectile seemed to him to be more than 200 yards, or about 170 leagues a second.
On 2nd January we had made 11,340 miles, or 5,250 French leagues, since our starting-point in the Japan Seas.
It would be without example that a troop capable of taking him and Porthos should be furnished with relays sufficient to perform forty leagues in eight hours.
For leagues and leagues it undulated round us, so that we seemed to be sailing through boundless fields of ripe and golden wheat.