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LEAGUE, measure. A league is a measure of length, which consists of three geographical miles. The jurisdiction of the United States extends into the sea a marine league. See Acts of Congress of June 5, 1794; 1 Story's L. U. S. 352; and April 20, 1818, 3 Story's L. U. S. 1694; 1 Wait's State Papers, 195. Vide Cannon Shot.

LEAGUE, crim. law, contracts. In criminal law, a league is a conspiracy to do an unlawful act. The term is but little used.
     2. In contracts it is applied to agreements between states. Leagues between states are of several kinds. 1st. Leagues offensive and defensive, by which two or more nations agree not only to defend each other, but to carry on war against their common enemies. 2d. Defensive, but not offensive, obliging each to defend the other against any foreign invasion. 3d. Leagues of simple amity, by which one contracts not to invade, injure, or offend the other; this usually includes the liberty of mutual commerce and trade, and the safe guard of merchants and traders in each others dominion. Bac. Ab. Prerogative, D 4. Vide Confederacy; Conspiracy; Peace; Truce; War.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
References in periodicals archive ?
The game spelt the end of 87 years of League football at the ground, with Wrexham consigned to the Blue Square Premier Division next season.
For the older girls it will be their first taste of competitive league football. Training for all age groups is on Saturdays from 10am to 11.45am at George Elliot School, Nuneaton.
"David Hirst is playing Sunday League football and I feel Gazza will end up there, turning out with his mates on a Sunday morning because he enjoys football so much," revealed Beardsley.
The Robins have slowly found their feet in league football and have won five of their last eight outings.
Bale spoke of his desire to be playing Champions League football next term, but he showered praise on Spurs for the way they have helped his career and he also spoke of his excitement of playing in the Barclays Premier League.
The 12 teams will play each other on a home-and-away basis with the champions qualifying for Uefa Champions League football.
11.30 Wild Spirits 12.00 International Rugby League 2.00 Live Scottish Premier League Football. Hibernian v Hearts (Kick-off 2.15pm).
THURSDAY Five, 7.30pm UEFA Europa League football: Fulham v AS Roma (KO 8.05pm) Sky Sports 1, 11.00am European Tour golf: The Castello Masters Sky Sports 1, 3.00pm European Tour golf: The Castello Masters Sky Sports 1, 7.30pm Premier League Snooker: Round six from Grimsby Auditorium
"There's also a big gap between the top five and the rest, hence Arsenal's need to get a new stadium, and it's hard to imagine how Newcastle could jump into the upper echelons without regular Champions League football."
'You want to test yourself against the best and that means Champions League football. It hasn't been the case.
But club bosses want this changed to give their clubs a better chance of progressing into league football.
The versatile left-sided player made a late start to his career in League football, joining the professional ranks only after he completed a degree in sports studies.

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