Ledger book

LEDGER BOOK, eccl. law. The name of a book kept in the prerogative courts in England. It is considered as a roll of the court, but, it seems, it cannot be read in evidence. Bac. Ab. h.t.

A Law Dictionary, Adapted to the Constitution and Laws of the United States. By John Bouvier. Published 1856.
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The retail giant ceased all lending on its mortgages in May, as it announced it was trying to hive off its ledger book. Tesco, which said the portfolio made pre-tax profits of PS9.1m last year, has lent its mortgage customers PS3.7bn.
Each block can be interpreted as an individual record or line in a ledger book, and the blockchain contains all of the records in the book.
with his famous ledger book letting customers buy an instrument without paying for it in full.
It's like a page in a ledger book. Unlike a page on a ledger book, however, once completed a block cannot be modified.
The Piracha Traders' proprietor, Hafiz Imtiaz Raza, also presented an old ledger book to Mr Bhatia which belonged to his father's company.
Think of this as filling up a new page in a bank's ledger book then having thousands of accountants copying any new page and throwing out any ledger that is not the same as the majority of the copies.
In this issue of Farm Collector, Delbert Trew reflects on the stories told by a ranch ledger book covering 1947-57.
Indeed, the cover of Paul Goble, Storyteller depicts birds, butterflies, sagebrush, horses and two riders riding right-to-left in true ledger book style.
A ledger book found at the home of money launderer Sukdhev Singh suggested he cleaned almost PS2m to pay the Clarkes' drug suppliers, based in Holland and Spain.
Most entries are written in Rosenberg's looping cursive, some on paper torn from a ledger book and others on the back of official Nazi stationary, the analysis said.
With so little impact on the ledger book, it's no surprise that Apple didn't come through this fall with one item on many wish lists: a high-resolution, "Retina" screen.