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To give or dispose of by will. Willful departure with intent to remain away. Permission or authorization to do something.

Leave of court is permission from the judge to take some action in a lawsuit that requires an absence or delay. An attorney might request a leave of court in order to file an amended Pleading, a formal declaration of a claim, or a defense.



West's Encyclopedia of American Law, edition 2. Copyright 2008 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
References in periodicals archive ?
Based on the 90 sampled city employees, out of the 2,600 regular employees, a total of 189 days of 30 (33%) employees were not subjected to deduction of unused mandatory leave.
Not only this, mango leaves which you may often discard can actually work as a great herbal medicine.
Add the blended okazi leaves and the remainder to the pot and stir.
How much parental leave is the employee allowed to take at any one time?
According to a report in Emarat Al Youm , the new leaves are annual leave, sick leave, maternity leave, paternity leave, mourning leave, leave for death-related events, Haj vacation, participation in events, accompanying sick leave, leave for partner , study leave, leave without pay and leave for national service and reserve.
The amended article 88 defines all leaves granted to officers under this law, including annual leaves, sick leaves, maternity leaves, paternity leaves, bereavement leaves, Haj leave, emergency leaves, study leaves, leaves without pay and administrative leaves.
It may also include providing employees with leave from work or modifying a company's leave policy for an employee with a disability.
32,413 (44.01%) Leave......................................................................................
Father-only leave-taking rose by nearly 50 percent and joint leave-taking--both parents on leave at the same time--rose by 28 percent.
Family and Community Services Leave (FACS) now replaces Compassionate Leave, so if all FACS leave has been exhausted you must apply for additional FACS leave for bereavement purposes, as per clause 32, Family and Community Services Leave and Personal/Careers' Leave, Part A, sub clause (viii) of the Public Health System Nurses & Midwives (State) Award 2011.