Leafy Sea Dragon

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The following article is from The Great Soviet Encyclopedia (1979). It might be outdated or ideologically biased.

Leafy Sea Dragon


(Phyllopteryx eques or Phycoduruse ques), a fish of the family Sygnathidae. The body measures up to 30 cm in length. The leafy sea dragon, which is found off Australia, differs from the closely related seahorse in that its head has numerous spines and the body has branched ribbon-like appendages resembling the aquatic plants among which the fish lives. The male carries the eggs in a case found on the lower side of the body beneath the tail.

The Great Soviet Encyclopedia, 3rd Edition (1970-1979). © 2010 The Gale Group, Inc. All rights reserved.
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Some of them - the leafy sea dragons - appear to be garbed in flowing regalia straight out of a psychedelic 1970s dream.
Leafy sea dragons look like they are made of leaves.
Whether exploring the ocean depths for leafy sea dragons, sharks or shipwrecks or cycling and trekking through the Outback, there are plenty of options to choose from.
("Ever heard of acorn worms or leafy sea dragons?" "How about thermoacidophiles?" or "Check out water bears!" "Do you know about lichens, or Welmtschia?") Also, do you want to inspire and challenge students with an automatic "A" for anyone who can identify an organism you've never encountered?
The back of the book contains a wealth of information about the appearance, habits, and life cycles of sea horses; maps that indicate locations of coral reefs, Leafy Sea Dragons, and other animals in the Australian Coral Reef.
Weedy and leafy sea dragons are now located at the National Sea Life Centre in Brindleyplace, where visitors can view their odd features.
So far visitors can see piranha, water rats called the Nutria rat, Humboldt Penguins from Peru, seals, dart frogs, crocodiles, leaf fish and leafy sea dragons as well as giant spider crabs that usually live at 400m depths in the ocean.
Children can count to 10 and back by tallying unusual sea creatures such as nudibranchs, leafy sea dragons, and basket stars.
The stars of the show range from the bizarre, such as the handfish, a creature that uses its fins to walk on, and the beautiful, like the exotic leafy sea dragons.
The Sea Life Centre in Bray will display the amazing new residents - a pair of leafy sea dragons.