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Related to Federal: Federal Reserve, Federal Express
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FEDFederal Reserve (US central bank)
FEDFaculty of Education (various locations)
FEDFoundations of Education (various schools)
FEDFundamentals of Engineering Design (various schools)
FEDFront End Developer (various companies)
FEDForum for Education and Democracy
FEDFreshman Engineering Design (various schools)
FEDField Emission Display (aka Field Emitter Display)
FEDFar End Device (3M)
FEDFonds Europeen de Developpement (European Development Fund)
FEDForeign Exchange Department (commercial banking)
FEDFachverband Elektronik Design (Professional Electronic Design Association)
FEDFédération Environnement Durable (French: Sustainable Environment Federation)
FEDFondului European de Dezvoltare (Romanian: Development Fund)
FEDFont Editor
FEDFrame Encapsulator Decapsulator
FEDField Emission Display
FEDField Emitter
FEDForcible Entry and Detainer
FEDFundacja Edukacja dla Demokracji (Polish: Education for Democracy Foundation)
FEDFuel Element Debris (nuclear waste)
FEDFoundation for Enterprise Development (SAIC)
FEDFaculty Expertise Database (various schools)
FEDField Emission Device (a display technology)
FEDForest Ecosystem Dynamics
FEDFar East District (Corps of Engineers, US Army)
FEDForward Entry Device
FEDFuture Electron Devices
FEDForum for Energy and Development
FEDFluid Engineering Division (American Society of Mechanical Engineers)
FEDForum Entreprise Défense (French: Defense Enterprise Forum)
FEDFlight Events Demonstration (US NASA)
FEDFrequent Epileptic Discharges
FEDFederal Ecosystem Directorate
FEDFoundation for Education for Democracy (Poland)
FEDFort Edward-Glen Falls (Amtrak station code; New York)
FEDFish-Eye Disease
FEDFundacion Ecuatoriana de Desarrollo (Spanish)
FEDFelix Edmundovich Dzerzhinsky (Russian-Ukraine cameras)
FEDFacilities Engineering Division
FEDFederation Execution Data
FEDFusion Engineering Device
FEDFlotilla Enrollment Date
FEDFederation Execution Details
FEDFrequency Error Detector
FEDFrequency Envelope Distribution (algorithm)
FEDFederal Reporter Digests (early US Federal court decisions)
FEDFixed-Erasure Decoding
FEDFor Elite Drivers
FEDFemmes Environnement et Développement (French)
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References in periodicals archive ?
Each member of the federal high courts may serve a term of 12 years or until they reach the retirement age of 70, or become incapacitated to discharge their duties.
Through a variety of statutory authorities and results-oriented policy initiatives, OFPP seeks to ensure the federal acquisition system provides the best value to the taxpayer.
In Dabit, the Court unanimously ruled that Congress intended all class action lawsuits involving securities listed nationally and traded on a national exchange to proceed in federal court, where the law is more predictable.
For example: former Senator Everett Dirksen (R-Ill.), despite being majority leader, didn't have sufficient clout to secure an amendment overriding the Supreme Court's decisions placing redistricting of state legislatures in the hands of federal courts.
During hearings, the federal government conceded that prosecution under the federal drug law would substantially burden the UDV's religious liberty rights.
To make its product, Federal Metal relies on the nonferrous scrap stream--buying a full range of copper-based scrap, such as radiators, red brass, No.
The NAIC and the industry moved quickly to establish a state-level, statutory framework that would prevent federal antitrust action.
The Federal Reserve Board announced on October 24, 2005, the issuance of a consent notice of suspension and prohibition against William R.
The Senate recently voted to give all states a relatively equal share of $2.9 billion in federal security grants.
INPUT tracks more than a half trillion dollars in contract and grant opportunities within the US federal, state & local government markets, as well as tender opportunities throughout the European Union.
After Bloch erased sexual orientation from the OSC Web site, the White House issued a statement noting that "longstanding federal policy prohibits discrimination against federal employees based on sexual orientation.
In your November 3, 2004, speech, you pledged to "streamline the process with the federal government to design a single corporate income tax collection and processing system." The following day, Finance Minister Sorbara presented the 2004 Ontario Economic Outlook and Fiscal Review to the Ontario House.
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