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Related to Federal: Federal Reserve, Federal Express


an association of organizations formed to represent and advance their joint interests. In INDUSTRIAL RELATIONS there are both TRADE UNION federations, for example the Confederation of Shipbuilding and Engineering Unions, and federations of EMPLOYERS' ASSOCIATIONS, for example ENGINEERING EMPLOYERS' FEDERATION.
Collins Dictionary of Business, 3rd ed. © 2002, 2005 C Pass, B Lowes, A Pendleton, L Chadwick, D O’Reilly and M Afferson
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The proposed Constitution, therefore, is, in strictness, neither a national nor a federal Constitution, but a composition of both.
The proposed constitution will create four high courts: A Federal Supreme Court, Federal Constitutional Court, Federal Administrative Court and Federal Electoral Court.
Denett is a retired senior executive from the federal service, and has served as director of administration and senior procurement executive in the Office of the Secretary for the Department of the Interior, and as vice chairman of the government-wide Procurement Executives Council, now called the Federal Acquisition Council.
While plaintiffs' lawyers couldn't accuse corporations of violating federal securities laws (those claims may be made in federal courts only), they could accuse corporations of common law fraud or violating state (as opposed to federal) securities laws.
Nevertheless an out-of-control federal judiciary has taken liberties with the Constitution to recast the document as they would have it become, a process which its proponents call an evolving, "living" Constitution.
The justices reaffirmed that the federal government cannot interfere with religion without a compelling interest."
despite the challenges ingot makers face, the term "non-profit" didn't apply to Federal Metal.
The states claimed the turf of insurance regulation early on, and the federal government raised little objection.
The Federal Reserve Board announced on September 15, 2005, the issuance of an order of prohibition against Hanspeter Walder, a former employee and officer of the New York Branch of UBS AG, Zurich, Switzerland.
Just two airports have asked to switch to private security screeners from federal security screeners.
The VETS GWAC provides federal agencies pre-qualified industry partners in one easy-to-use contract vehicle and will help them meet their SDVOB contracting goals of three percent of federal spending.
Levine's case was the last straw for many federal watchdogs who have been frustrated and angry with the way the OSC now works under Bloch, the former deputy director and counsel to the Task Force for Faith-based and Community Initiatives at the U.S.

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