(redirected from Consoles Sports League)
Category filter:
CSLCoordinated Science Laboratory
CSLCalifornia State Library
CSLCommunity Service Learning (various locations)
CSLComputer Science Logic
CSLCabo San Lucas (Mexico)
CSLComputer Systems Laboratory (NIST)
CSLCentral Science Laboratory
CSLConnecticut State Library
CSLCommunications Server for Linux
CSLCaml Special Light
CSLCall Support Layer
CSLCoupe Sports Lightweight
CSLColorado State Library (Denver, CO)
CSLCombined Single Limit (insurance liability limits of coverage)
CSLClinical Skills Lab (various locations)
CSLComma Separated List
CSLCôte Saint-Luc (Montreal District)
CSLComputer Sciences Laboratory (Australian National university, Canberra, Australia)
CSLComputer Sciences Laboratory
CSLComium Sierra Leone (est. 2005)
CSLChinese Super League
CSLCommonwealth Serum Laboratories (CSL Limited, Australian biopharmaceutical company)
CSLCommunication Services Ltd. (various locations)
CSLCreosote Sweeping Log (fireplace cleaning product)
CSLCan't Stop Laughing
CSLCurrent Steering Logic
CSLCoast Soccer League (Orange, Caliafornia)
CSLCrosshole Sonic Logging
CSLCenter for Strategic Leadership (US Army War College)
CSLConstruction Supervisors License (Massachusetts)
CSLCorn Steep Liquor
CSLCanada Student Loan
CSLContinuous Stochastic Logic
CSLColumbus School of Law (Catholic University of America; Washington, DC)
CSLCooperative Security Locations
CSLCustomer Satisfaction Level
CSLCommand Selection List (US Army)
CSLClub Subaquatique du Léman (French: Lake Geneva Underwater Club)
CSLClub Subaquatique Lorientais (French: Lorient Underwater Club; Lorent, France)
CSLChild Slave Labor
CSLCasal (Portuguese postal usage)
CSLComputer Security Laboratory (various schools)
CSLCode Snippet Library (programming)
CSLCanada Steamship Lines, Inc.
CSLConsoles Sports League (gaming)
CSLCenturyTel Solutions, LLC (Monroe, LA)
CSLChip Support Library
CSLClive Staples Lewis (author)
CSLCalcium Stearoyl Lactylate (food grade emulsifier)
CSLCub Scout Leader
CSLCritical Service Level
CSLCurtis-Straus LLC (Bureau Veritas Group; various locations)
CSLCaustic Soda Lye
CSLCochin Shipyard Ltd (Cochin, India)
CSLCase Study Library
CSLComparative Sedimentology Laboratory (University of Miami; Miami, FL)
CSLCanada Safeway Limited (real estate)
CSLCombat Stores List (US DoD)
CSLCustomer Service Level
CSLControl Systems Laboratory
CSLCognitive Sciences Laboratory
CSLColomer Service Location (France)
CSLChimney Sweeping Log
CSLContext Sensitive Learning (software)
CSLCyber Security Liaison (US Air Force)
CSLConfigurable System Logic (Tricend Corporation System-on-Chip technology)
CSLComputer Sensitive Language
CSLContractual Service Level
CSLCharter Seat License (sports tickets)
CSLCeskoslovenska Strana Lidova (Czechoslovak People's Party)
CSLCoupe Sport Lightweight (BMW)
CSLCorridor Sands Ltd
CSLCareer Services Library (University of Northern Iowa)
CSLCommon Sound Layer (computing)
CSLCaldwell Securities, Ltd. (Canada)
CSLCrocus Sativus Lectin (plants)
CSLCommunity Software Lab
CSLChemical Synthesis Laboratory (Singapore)
CSLClimate Simulation Laboratory (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research)
CSLControlled Shipment Level (various companies)
CSLConseil Scientifique Local (French: Local Scientific Council)
CSLChobe Savanna Lodge (Namibia)
CSLCommunity Sports Leader
CSLCrescent Shipping Lines (Pakistan)
CSLCompany Special License (now Special License Company; Seychelles)
CSLCentre Spatiale de Liege (French)
CSLCommission Scolaire des Laurentides
CSLCorporate Site License
CSLComponent Specification Language
CSLCoin Supervising Link
CSLCurrent Sinking Logic
CSLCompound Sodium Lactate (intravenous fluid)
CSLCustomer Service Leader
CSLCurrent Studies in Linguistics
CSLCommand Signal Limiter (NASA)
CSLComputation Structures Language
CSLCyber Security Lab
CSLComputer Status Lights (NASA)
CSLConfiguration Specification Language
CSLCaritas Sri Lanka (Catholic Bishops' Conference of Sri Lanka)
CSLComputer System Limited
CSLClogged Stream Lands
CSLCross Street Location (emergency services)
CSLCrew Systems Laboratory (NASA)
CSLCentral Selection List
CSLCadet Squadron Leader
CSLControl & Simulation Language
CSLCombat Skill Level (gaming, Hero System 5th Edition)
CSLCompetitive Sustainment Level (US Army)
CSLCommander Submarine Force, Atlantic Fleet
CSLCommunity Systems Liaison
CSLCalibration Services Laboratory
CSLColorado Senior Lobby
CSLContext Switching Logic
CSLCommunications Service of Louisiana
CSLCommercial, State and Local Government
CSLCharacter Segment Leader
CSLConsolidated Software List
CSLWA State Sediment Cleanup Screening Level
CSLCurrent-Switching Logic
CSLCrime Scene Laboratory
CSLComplete Service Life
CSLCastlemore Securities Ltd. (UK)
CSLCenter for Sacred Landmarks (Maxine Goodman Levin College of Urban Affairs, Cleveland State University)
CSLCredit Security Limited (UK)
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