CONSENSConsulting Structural Engineering Systems
CONSENSConcurrent and Simultaneous Engineering System
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National Institutes of Health, NIH Consens Development Program, NIH State-of-the-Science Conference: Preventing Alzheimer's disease and cognitive decline (NIH AHRQ Publication No.
In the play's final scene, when the lovers are reunited with Lycas's rival, Lycaste, Lysis has the opportunity to demonstrate his willingness to take risk in spectacular fashion, declaring: "je consens, / Qu'il [Lycaste] fasse sa fortune a mes propres depenses" (164; I consent / to let him make his fortune at my own expense).
Dar, in ciuda aparentelor nu a existat un consens cu privire la gestionarea sferelor de influenta.
Even the quintessential "intellectual" Zola acceded to such editing, as seen in this excerpt from a letter to the editor Arsene Houssaye regarding the publication of his novel Therese Raquin in L'Artiste in 1867: "Je n'impose nullement tel out tel passage, j'accepte a l'avance toutes les coupures, je consens a ce que l'on chatre mon roman de facon a lui oter la virilite qu'il peut avoir [...].
A recent guideline from the British National Institute for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) (May 2009) examines the challenging diagnostic considerations of celiac disease, updating and expanding on a 2004 guideline from the National Institutes of Health (NIH Consens. State.
NIH Consens Statment Sci Statements 2002; 19: 1-46.
Natl Inst Health Consens Dev Conf Consens Statement 1987;6(12):1-7.
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