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CONREPConnected Replenishment
CONREPConditional Release Program
CONREPConstruction Representative
CONREPContinuous Underway Replenishment (US DoD)
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Camden will steam to the southern AOR, meet with USNS supply ships at night, and transfer stores via conrep and vertrep to our ship.
There is no way to conduct multiple aircraft vertrep operations while alongside Camden in conrep. One half of Comfort's deck is clobbered with the vertrep stores we have just dropped.
(86) See Morris, supra note 80, at 1095 (noting cases in which CONREP recommended "revocation of outpatient status ...
(describing revocation based on CONREP's belief that an acquittee was not receiving treatment).
Our ship was doing conreps and vertreps to the big deck, as well as to other ships in the strike group.
Supply is involved with VERTREP and CONREP, retrieval and breakdown of pallets.
The ships would not be in the conrep position but alongside at about 400 yards (within the 300-to-500-yard range the NWP 4-01.4 recommends for night vertrep).
The ships were in conrep position, and, because we only needed 10 picks, we evaluated our situation and decided to proceed.
Sacramento was in CONREP on the starboard side, which would have been nice if that was where the loads for the vertrep were coming from.
A third aid to ensuring a steady flow of parts to the ship was scheduling Connected Replenishments (CONREPs) with COMLOGWESTPAC.
The ship conducted CONREPs every 10-14 days, with an optimum pallet count of 150-200 pallets and a three to four hour transfer time.