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/konz/ or /kons/ [LISP, "construct"] A Lisp function which takes an element H and a list T and returns a new list whose head is H and whose tail is T.

In Lisp, "cons" is the most fundamental operation for building structures. It actually takes any two objects and returns a "dotted-pair" or two-branched tree with one object hanging from each branch. Because the result of a cons is an object, it can be used to build binary trees of any shape and complexity.
This article is provided by FOLDOC - Free Online Dictionary of Computing (
References in periodicals archive ?
Che la lettera di Rettori nostri di Vicenza di vij del mese presente, indricciata alli capi di questo Cons.o horn letta, in mareria della Rappresentation della Tragedia, c'ha da esser fatta in quella citta, sia mandata alli savij del Collegio nostro, perche sopra di essa habbiano quella consideratione, che li parera.
BUSINESS: Prog Mgr/Agcy SVCS: Video/Film Producer CHARGE: Per project SPEC: Cons, B-to-B, Fund, Fin Svcs, Publ INFO: Broc
CULCHETH GLAZEBURY AND CROFT: K Bland (Cons),S Bland(Cons),A Brennan (Lab),P J Caswell (Lab),C M Cummerson (Lib Dem),E J Davies (Lib Dem),PD Else (Lib Dem),P Hodson (Lab),T L Hoyle (Con).
West Bromwich East: Con 2960, Lab 3679, Lib Dem 1348.
"We think that switching is easy and we've tried to make it as easy as possible," says Charles Reed, manager of the PowerYourWay program at Con Edison and ESCO Ombudsman.
EMC (simbolo en la Bolsa de Nueva York: EMC), es una compania global que en 2002 tuvo ingresos de US$5,440 millones, ha instalado sus sistemas para miles de clientes en 14 paises latinoamericanos y cuenta con 16 oficinas en la region.
Bartley Green *Vivienne Barton (Con) John Hemming (Lib Dem) Richard Knowles (Lab)
The interview of con artists represents a significant challenge in the investigation of frauds committed by this type of criminal.
Tenemos operaciones combinadas en Florida y California y nos hemos concentrado en oportunidades en la Costa este con fines de expansion.
According to a Con Edison spokesperson, the benefits are based on the amount of its own equipment it can remove from the street, including rectifiers and mains.
Key to abbreviations Con - Conservative Lab - Labour Lib Dem - Liberal democrat Ind - Independent UKIP - United Kingdom Independence Party