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Related to consanguineal: affinal, Consanguineal family
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Adj.1.Consanguineal - related by bloodconsanguineal - related by blood      
related - connected by kinship, common origin, or marriage
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Maradi, the third largest city in Niger Republic and Zinder are two prefectures in the country which are predominantly populated by Fulanis with consanguineal relationship with Daura emirate, Buhari's birthplace.
(14) The Church Growth Movement emphasizes the affinal and consanguineal kinship groups (tribe, caste, or clan) as the most viable means of conversion.
Alvarez insists he is a 'member' of the Manobo 'tribe.' But Manobo is an ethnicity, not a Rotary club where one becomes a 'member.' One is either born Manobo (consanguineal, by blood) or, to a limited extent, married into it (affinal).
The distinction is between cultivated and natural, consanguineal and affinal (p.130).
This is a reestablishment of the consanguineal tie based on perceived duty to family rather than a new phenomenon.
Chapter 3 explores the growth of their business networks through the lens of family and kinship, mapping the extended consanguineal lineages and strategic intermarriages, which bound the Big Five to other prominent Hokkien and Hakka families, to Indo-Malay families in Penang, Kedah, Perak, and northern Sumatra, to Siamese and Chinese families in southern Siam and Burma, and to each other.
Among the Kelabit, adoption generally occurs among consanguineal kin, or those who are considered lun dengeruyung or blood relations.
Many masters recognized spousal and consanguineal ties among their slaves, and respected the attachment of these unfree people to the plantations.
We might want to say, well, what they think does not matter; we can simply go for objective genealogical descriptions, according to who is related to whom in a consanguineal or affinal sense.
The webs of meaning within these cultural spaces constitute a veritable complex labyrinth that spirals, making links and references on the way toward some finite, though ever expanding, conceptual and consanguineal multi-verse.