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Under the condition of the present study, final body weight, weight gain, feed intake and FCR did not vary significantly between ConP and ConN after heat challenge at p<0.05.
As shown in Table 6, in spite of negative impact of heat-exposure on humoral immune response, all broilers fed Spirulina had higher antibody titers as compared to ConP (p = 0.001).
Based on the above one can conclude that MIS and FO video scenes are most suitable for high definition YUV interface, while the SC, CTP, ColP and ST video scenes are equally well suited for both high and standard definition interfaces, while FC, ConP, SP and LCG video scenes would be more suitable for standard definition YIQ interface.
The Control Over Nursing Practice Clinical Leader Subscale (CONP Clinical Leader Subscale) also showed significant increases at the end of the program when compared to the two earlier periods.
At the same time, residents showed declines in many of their scores at the 6-month time frame (all MMSS Satisfaction Factors and the Casey-Fink Professional Satisfaction Factors) as well as their perceived CONP evaluation and CONP skillful team member factors.
Milton Friedman's permanent-income hypothesis postulates that a consuming unit's permanent consumption (expressed as Conp) will be a proportion of its permanent income:
Conp = K(i, w, v) Yp (1) where Yp is permanent (or expected average long-term) income, and K is the proportion consumed O < K < 1) (Friedman, 1957).
un conP with onlin the Har i Programmed with a painless online set-up, the Harmony 650 is a breeze to use.