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The combining of two or more firms to form an entirely new entity.
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A type of merger in which two or more companies create an entirely new corporate entity and transfer all their assets and liabilities to the new entity. The former companies may continue to exist on paper, but they have no assets or liabilities. For example, the lawyers for the consolidating companies may go the secretary of state and form a new limited liability company (usually by paying a fee of $50 or so). After this is done, all assets and liabilities are given to the new LLC.
Farlex Financial Dictionary. © 2012 Farlex, Inc. All Rights Reserved


A combination of two or more firms into a completely new company. Assets and liabilities of the firms are absorbed by the new company. Compare merger.
Wall Street Words: An A to Z Guide to Investment Terms for Today's Investor by David L. Scott. Copyright © 2003 by Houghton Mifflin Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Company. All rights reserved. All rights reserved.
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Click the Close icon to return to the Consolidate dialog.
Also, depending on how significant it is, the company might want to consider going to the SEC for a pre-clearance of matters and getting approval, hopefully, to not consolidate it.
* A parent shall consolidate each entity (subsidiary) that it controls unless control is temporary at the date it is acquired or otherwise obtained.
By combining centralized storage with local file services, Actona's file-caching solution enables companies to consolidate servers and storage, and centralize backup and disaster recovery processes, while providing remote users with LAN-like performance.
It's not an accident that the movement to consolidate storage resources is occurring precisely at the time that Fibre Channel SANs have become ubiquitous in the data center.
Regardless of the type of SAN connectivity, the foundation for achieving simplified management and increased storage capacity utilization is the ability to consolidate a variety of storage assets into a "storage pool" from which one can freely allocate capacity wherever and whenever it's needed.
If SANs did nothing more than help consolidate backup, they would continue to drive use of automated tape storage systems, but SANs will also move toward allowing disk-based storage to be shared among multiple servers.
Because of its controlling financial interest the REIT must consolidate the operating partnership.
A parent company would have to consolidate all its subsidiaries unless its control was temporary when an entity became a subsidiary.
The chapter also discusses the election to allocate consolidate tax liability in a particular manner, and contains a model tax allocation agreement providing much food for thought.

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