conservation easement

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conservation easement

A voluntary restriction on land preventing development on the property in order to retain its natural condition.The restriction will remain on the property for all subsequent property owners unless it can be successfully removed by court order or by agreement of all affected parties. See easement.
The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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To a large extent, both bills would concatenate the wide range of paid land diversion programs available under the 2014 Farm Bill into two major initiatives: the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and the Agricultural Conservation Easement Program (ACEP).
29 urging congressional leaders to advance the Charitable Conservation Easement Program Integrity Act, which would help maintain the integrity of conservation easement donations by closing an apparent loophole related to abusive syndicated tax shelters.
The Stavemill Club would purchase the land from The Conservation Fund and donate it as a conservation easement to the land trust.
For instance, many homes in Georgetown have been granted a type of conservation easement that precludes owners from altering or removing the facades of their houses.
Wendell Falls proposed placing a conservation easement on the 125 acres before the sale to the County.
On May 1, Spiegelhoff placed a conservation easement on her 153-acre farm and natural land so that it will be preserved forever.
IRS Conservation Easement Contributions Publication 49
Once completed, a conservation easement on Success Pond will be held by the NH Division of Forests and Lands, and the forest will be sustainably managed and continue to be open for public outdoor recreation into the future, The Conservation Fund said.
In an effort to encourage preservation of the country's natural resources, Congress, in 1976, enacted legislation permitting a deduction for the contribution of a conservation easement. (2) With the enactment of [section]170(h), Congress created an exception to the general rule that taxpayers cannot deduct contributions of partial interests in property.
Lyle Johnson, a landowner in Brookings County, owned land containing a perpetual conservation easement.* 1 He entered into an easement agreement in 2010 to preserve his land for conservation purposes.
The sale price of a conservation easement is the difference between the value a developer would pay for the land and the value of the land if only usable for agriculture.

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