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An entity given legal responsibility for overseeing, protecting, or preserving the interests and affairs of another entity deemed incapable often doing so. See: Bailout, Conservatorship
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A guardian, receiver, or other protector appointed by a court to manage the assets of someone suffering from a permanent or temporary disability that prevents the person from managing his or her own affairs.A person need not be adjudged mentally incompetent to have a conservator appointed, and the appointment does not disqualify the person from entering into contracts, making or changing wills,or any other such legal rights.

The Complete Real Estate Encyclopedia by Denise L. Evans, JD & O. William Evans, JD. Copyright © 2007 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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3) Is there a suitable (there's no case law but likely qualified and able to satisfy the duties of a conservator) and willing Professional Fiduciary for appointment as conservator AND is it in the ward's best interest?
While it undoubtedly generates interest, what is actually gained from watching conservators working?
Safdar Ali Shah, Chief Conservator Wildlife Khyber Pakhtunkhwa made a presentation on sustainable
'This commission recognizes that the duly appointed conservators and receivers of insurance companies or MBAs under conservatorship or receivership may likewise reinsure said companies' outstanding policies as part of a rehabilitation strategy to restore said companies to financial viability, in accordance with Sections 255 and 256 of the same Code,' it said.
Conservation is the profession and the starting point for a conservator, whereas restoration describes parts of the process.
A person who acts as a conservator of the person, the estate, or person and estate, or guardian of the estate, or person and estate for two or more individuals at the same time who are not related to the fiduciary or to each other is required to be licensed as a Professional Fiduciary [PC 6501(f)(1)].
The conservator said that the mask now shows a gap between the face and the beard, whereas before it was directly attached: "Now you can see a layer of transparent yellow."
"The mask should have been taken to the conservation lab but they were in a rush to get it displayed quickly again and used this quick drying, irreversible material," the conservator added.
Hristina Ivanova Stamova, conservator at KTB AD, was appointed conservator at Credit Agricole Bulgaria EAD, together with Bozhidar Ivanov Arshinkov, who replaced Slaviana Stoilova Danailova-Veleva.
Conservation analyses and treatments of the paintings and their original frames will take place in the museum's Fuller Conservation Laboratory by members of WAM's paintings conservation team: Rita Albertson, chief conservator/paintings conservator; Philip Klausmeyer, conservation scientist/paintings conservator; and Birgit Strahle, assistant paintings conservator.

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