(redirected from Consecutive Identical Digit)
Category filter:
CIDCaller Identification
CIDCriminal Investigative Division (US)
CIDCubic Inch Displacement
CIDCriminal Investigation Department
CIDCommunity Improvement District
CIDCriminal Investigation Division
CIDCommercial Item Description
CIDCard Identification Number (credit cards)
CIDCenter for International Development
CIDCrying in Disgrace
CIDCordless Impact Driver (tool)
CIDConnection ID
CIDCorporate Identity Design (marketing)
CIDCorrectional Institutions Division (Texas)
CIDCreative Interior Design (various locations)
CIDCollision Induced Dissociation
CIDCommunity Information Database (various locations)
CIDCruel, Inhuman or Degrading (treatment)
CIDCayman Islands Dollar (currency)
CIDCircuit ID (Identification; computing)
CIDCuadrante Inferior Derecho (Spanish: Lower Right Quadrant)
CIDConnected Information Device
CIDConfiguration Installation Distribution
CIDComponent Implementation Descriptor
CIDComponent Identifier
CIDCollection Id
CIDCaller Id
CIDContext Id
CIDCircuit Id
CIDCard Identification Data
CIDCustomer Id
CIDCommunication Identifier
CIDC++ Interactive Dashboard
CIDConnection Identifier
CIDCodec Id
CIDCausality Identifier
CIDClient Id
CIDClass Id
CIDChannel Id
CIDCarrier Id
CIDConsider It Done
CIDCommon Interest Development
CIDCollège Interarmées de Défense (French: Interarmed Forces Defence College, France)
CIDCentral Institute for the Deaf
CIDCustomer Identification
CIDCombat Identification
CIDCalling Identity Delivery (telephones)
CIDCharge Injection Device
CIDCertified Interior Designer
CIDChannel Identifier
CIDCenter for Information Dominance (US Navy)
CIDConfidential Invoice Discounting (finance)
CIDCarlsbad Irrigation District (New Mexico)
CIDCentre International de Deauville (French: Deauville International Center; Deauville, France)
CIDCommittee on Infectious Diseases
CIDComponent Identification (Number)
CIDCentral Information Display
CIDCertified Interior Decorator
CIDCisco Internetwork Design
CIDConvenzione Indennizzo Diretto (Italian: Convention Direct Compensation)
CIDChild Identification
CIDClinical Infectious Disease (journal)
CIDComputer Input Device
CIDCompassion in Dying
CIDCommittee of Imperial Defense (UK)
CIDCombat Intelligence Division (US DoD)
CIDCertified Irrigation Designer
CIDChange In Design (drafting)
CIDContent Inspection Director (Radware software)
CIDCertified Interconnect Designer
CIDCombined Immunodeficiency Disease
CIDChannel Iron Deposit
CIDComprehensive Interior Design
CIDCommunications and Information Directorate (Economic & Social Research Council; UK)
CIDCentral Installation Directory
CIDCommunity Identification
CIDClient Identifying Data (computer security)
CIDCriminal Intelligence Division
CIDCriminal Investigation Detachment
CIDChronic Illness and Disability
CIDCentral Internet Database
CIDConsortium for International Development
CIDComputer Integrated Design
CIDCommercial Item Determination (US DoD)
CIDCounterintelligence Division
CIDChoice In Dying
CIDCedar Rapids, IA, USA - Municipal (Airport Code)
CIDCommunity Investment Department (various organizations)
CIDSee Identification (message on the back of credit cards)
CIDConfiguration, Installation and Distribution (IBM)
CIDCustomer Induced Defect (warranties)
CIDCentral Investigation Division
CIDChinese Imperial Dog (dog breed)
CIDCustomer Induced Damage (warranties)
CIDCervical Immobilization Device
CIDCraft Interface Device
CIDConsecutive Identical Digit
CIDComputer Interface Device
CIDCustomer Information Database
CIDCognitive-Based Information Design (graphic design)
CIDCentral Input Device
CIDCivil Investigation Demand (US Department of Justice)
CIDConstraints in Discourse (workshop)
CIDCentre de Hautes Études Internationales d'Informatique Documentaire (French: Center for Advanced International Studies of Computer Literature)
CIDConfigured IED (Intelligent Electronic Device) Description
CIDCharge-Injected Device
CIDClient Information Database
CIDCardiac Implanted Device
CIDCircuite Integrate Digitale (Romanian: Digital Integrated Circuits)
CIDConfiguration Identification Document
CIDConstructions Idéale Demeure (French: Ideal Residence Buildings; construction company)
CIDCentre d'Ingénierie Documentaire (French: Document Engineering Center)
CIDCréation Internationale Diffusion (French art supply company)
CIDCops in Disguise
CIDConnected Information Device (PDA, etc.)
CIDCommand Information Division
CIDCentre d'Ingénierie de Développement (French: Engineering Development Center)
CIDCritical Item Development
CIDCompetitive Intelligence Database
CIDCombined Immunological Deficiency
CIDCertified Industrial Developer
CIDContinuous Improvement Discussion
CIDCareless and Inconsiderate Driving (UK)
CIDCommunication Interface Device (Alcatel)
CIDClub Informatique Domontois (French computer club)
CIDCommon Intelligence Database
CIDCurrent Interrupting Device
CIDClient Interface Device
CIDCombat Integration Division
CIDCorporate Integration Directorate
CIDCritical Incident Detection
CIDCryptologic Interface Device
CIDChannel Identification Designator
CIDCosmetic Ingredient Declaration
CIDCivilian Intelligence Division
CIDCompatible Identification
CIDConfiguration Interaction with Double Substitution
CIDCommunications-Electronics Implementation Directive
CIDCommanders Integrated Display
CIDCombat Intelligence Database
CIDConseil Informatique Développement (French: Computer Development Council)
CIDCommanders Intelligent Display
CIDContinuity-Impact Discount
CIDCompact Iodine Discharge
CIDCentro de Igualdad y Derechos (Spanish: Center for Equality and Rights; Albuquerque, NM)
CIDCompagnie Interprofessionnelle de Distribution (French: Interprofessional Distribution Company; wine company; est. 1991)
CIDCattle Identification Documents (livestock)
CIDComponent Identification Designator
CIDCorporate Investments Division
CIDCulture and Image Design
CIDChemical Inducible Dimerizer
CIDCommercial Importation Distribution (France)
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