
(redirected from Consecutives)
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Music another word for parallel
Collins Discovery Encyclopedia, 1st edition © HarperCollins Publishers 2005


Immediately following one another in a sequence.
McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific & Technical Terms, 6E, Copyright © 2003 by The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
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The Dervishes have an uphill to climb to reach the African Champions League semis after suffering two consecutives losses to Algeria's JS Kabylie and bitter rivals Ahly in the group stage.
Guterres, a former prime minister of Portugal, was speaking in the eastern Syrian province of Hasakeh, which borders Iraq and has been hit by consecutives droughts.
But yesterday the Monaco resident produced near-flawless golf to pick up three birdies on the front nine and four, including two consecutives ones on the final two holes to comfortably win his first title in 16 months.
The CYCA also anticipates the application for entry of Wild Oats X/who will this year be trying to create history by becoming the first yacht to take line honours in four consecutives years.
Forgotten man Nick Barmby, making only his second start of the season after eight consecutives games on the bench, grabbed a poacher's goal moments before the break when Saints failed to clear a corner.
* Prendre note que la pression doit exceder trois fois consecutives la valeur seuil pour etre significative.
Catholique de Milan), and Les operations multinationales consecutives a des conflits armes envue du retablissement de la paix by P.
Only Rangers legend Colin Stein came close to scoring a hat-trick of hat- tricks, scoring consecutives trebles on his first two games for the Gers, and then a double in his third.
I have quoted nothing from the Missa de Virginibus, which the editors regard as a problematic work, but in terms of dissonance treatment and consecutives it is in line with its partners.
"Les malformations cerebrales consecutives a l'embryopathie rubeoleuse." In Heuyer, Field and Grumer, (Eds.), Malformations congenitales du cerveau, Paris, Masson et Cie, pp.

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