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1. Following one after another without interruption; successive: was absent on three consecutive days; won five consecutive games on the road.
2. Marked by logical sequence.
3. Grammar Expressing consequence or result: a consecutive clause.

[French consécutif, from Old French, from Medieval Latin cōnsecūtīvus, from cōnsecūtus, past participle of Latin cōnsequī, to follow closely; see consequent.]

con·sec′u·tive·ly adv.
con·sec′u·tive·ness n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.
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Also to meet requirements for state changes admissible from viewpoint of technological cooperation and safety, as well as admissible from viewpoint of consecutiveness and required mutual distances of activities.
(iv) Consecutiveness: this constraint checks whether a distribution of hours for a pair teacher-class is followed.
There is no truth to the idea that there is a past: consecutiveness lies in our mind; the causes of phenomena-consecutive for us, the same as ever--exist and work simultaneously.
(221) Senator Newlands contrasted the "dignity, precision, consecutiveness, and power" of the ICC with the limited efforts by the Attorney General's Office in enforcing antitrust laws, and he concluded that the former was comparatively superior.
Except for the consecutiveness dependent method of Brownian Bridges, where the pattern is the opposite, the males SoB based home range estimations were consistently larger (95% contour: 9.9% to 42.8%; 50% contour: 2.7% to 22.7%), than those resulting from the IT data.
because both blocks would have to come from [B.sub.1], but this violates consecutiveness. Hence these mappings cannot be surjective.
The consecutiveness of patient registration was checked against patient databases of local hospitals.
An important part of this renewal is a resistance to the implicit imperatives of linearity, and more particularly to the seductions of the through-read, line of verse, that is, of the line read as a single, continuous span, often in a single breath, as a unit of pure consecutiveness. The metrico-rhythmic implications of through-reading are little considered, but include the following: (a) it aspires to confirm the metrical integrity of line; (b) it discourages effects of pausing, rupture, and fragmentation; (c) it confines pitch to a narrow range; (d) it confirms the overall intonational shape of stanza and/or rhyme scheme; and (e) it tends to even out durations (of syllables, measures, and lines).
A key consequence of this consecutiveness was the adoption of group-targeted policies, rather than policies universal in their scope, in an attempt to satisfy one group after another and to be seen as doing so.

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