Cold Ice Remastered is like Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 for GoldSrc but much older and... cool. (Yes, it supports normal model skins too). This project is a modern open-sourced rebuild of Cold Ice 1.75, a popular Half-Life mod back in 1999. Set in a winter scene, its philosophy is to deliver a deathmatch that doesn't take itself seriously. Cold Ice is known to generate laughs in questionable game design and in play.

Beta 4 has launched for Christmas 2023! Get it here and Join our discord server.
Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 4

Beta 4 Features:
Includes Full HL25 Compatibility plus all Beta 1 + Beta 2 + Beta 3 features with more enhancements!

5 New Weapons
- Portal Gun - Fire Entry Portal / Fire Exit Portal
- Flamethrower - Flame Stream / Flame Ball (with new particle system)
- Dual Flamethrowers - 2x Flame Stream / 2x Flame Ball
- Sawed Off Cannons - Fire Right / Fire Left / Fire Both
- Dual Sawed Off Cannons - Fire Right / Fire Left / Fire Both

6 New Maps

- quadfrost, a rebuild of doublefrost by Napoleon
- defroster, a reskin by AudioCraZ of dm_lister by TheTrashBang
- thechill, a reskin by AudioCraZ of thehill by Dario Casali
- frostmill, a reskin by AudioCraZ of rustmill by John Guthrie and Dave Riller
- glupshitto, a map by pig
- cold_base, a reskin by AudioCraZ of DM3: The Abandoned Base by John Romero

3 New Game Modes (includes total of 8 game modes)
- "gungame" - get specific weapons for frags and level up!
- "ctc" - capture the chumtoad, hold on to it to receive points!
- "chilldemic" - survive the virus, don't let them free your bones.

21 Mutators - supports combination and randomly selected (mp_mutators)
- "portal" - spawn with a portal gun
- "jope" - you've been joped!
- "inverse" - colors are inverted
- "oldtime" - colors are black and white
- "sildenafil" - all you see is blue
- "longjump" - everyone has a long jump module
- "slowbullets" - all bullets are slowed down
- "explosiveai" - ai blows up if they cannot find their next task
- "itemsexplode" - items and weapons react to explosions
- "notthebees" - hornets spawn from a player or monster who was killed
- "dontshoot" - firing any weapon will explode in the players hands (melee only)
- "999" - start with 999 health and battery
- "berserker" - go crazy with chainsaws and fists
- "autoaim" - weapons have extreme auto aim
- "slowweapons" - weapons fire slowly
- "fastweapons" - weapons fire fast
- "jack" - we don't make it until you order it
- "piratehat" - argh matey
- "marshmellow" - come back 1999 to you
- "crate" - a tribute to boxwars
- "pumpkin" - on Halloween, he appears

More Parkour Elements
- Triple Jump and Front Player Flip
- Hurricane Kick
- Now, off-handed Slide and kicks!
- Taunts and Feign support

Multiplayer Changes
- New end of map voting system to select gameplay, mutators, and map
- Added ammo regen rune
- Respawning breakables

Single Player
- Includes SP campaign episode select support.

New Player Models
- Added Skeleton, Frost, and Jesus

- Many patches from Beta 3. See readme.txt for details.

Beta 3 has launched for Christmas 2022! Get it here and Join our discord server.
Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 3

Beta 3 Features:
Includes all features of Beta 1 + Beta 2 with ultra enhancements!

3 New Weapons
- Rocket Crowbar - Swing / Swing + Fire Drunk Rocket
- Dual Railgun - Fire / Fire Both
- Gravity Gun - Fire / Create Explosive Barrel / Pick up

10 New Maps

- snow_camp, a rebuild of boot_camp by Napoleon and reskin by AudioCraZ
- ice_pit, a rebuild of snark_pit by Napoleon and reskin by AudioCraZ
- frozen_bunker, a rebuild of lambda_bunker by Napoleon and reskin by AudioCraZ
- snowtransit, a rebuild of subtransit from Aura-SE and reskinned by AudioCraZ
- doublefrost, a rebuild of doublecross by Dario Casali and reskinned by Napoleon
- themill, a map by Devious and rebuilt by Napoleon
- chillworks, a rebuild of gasworks by Randy Lundeen and rebuilt and reskinned by AudioCraZ
- frosty, a rebuild of frenzy by Dario Casali and rebuilt and reskinned by AudioCraZ
- overflow, a rebuild of undertow by Dario Casali and rebuilt and reskinned by AudioCraZ
- frozenwarehouse, an original map for Cold Ice by AudioCraZ
- Added snow weather effect!

5 Game Modes (mp_gamemode)
- "ffa" - Free for All - the gold standard, deathmatch.
- "iceman" - Iceman Arena - it is the sole duty of all the other players to exterminate iceman
- "lms" - Last Man Standing - protect your lives be the last person standing to win
- "arena" - 1 on 1 Arena - two potential victors are selected to battle to a frag limit
- "snowball" - Snowball Arena - battle with snowballs, melees, and trade in snowballs for offhand grenades!

30 Mutators - supports combination and randomly selected (mp_mutators)
- "chaos" - randomly selects three mutators every 45 seconds!
- "rocketcrowbar" - spawn with a rocket crowbar, makes all rockets act drunk
- "instagib" - spawn with dual railguns that dole one hit kills
- "volatile" - where players blow up when fragged (explode icon)
- "plumber" - spawn with pipe wrenches
- "paintball" - weapons and explosions leave paint decals, weapons reduced to 1/4 damage
- "dkmode" - from Goldeneye 007, player head and arms are like Donkey Kong
- "superjump" - jump three times the height, disables fall damage
- "megarun" - run 50% faster
- "lightsout" - all the lights are turned out, but your flashight has unlimited battery
- "slowmo" - everything is slowed down by half! (Single-player only)
- "ice" - all the ground is covered in ice
- "topsyturvy" - everything is turned upside down (Single-player only)
- "barrels" - start with the gravitygun, flaming explosive barrels spawn to throw at others
- "turrets" - random sentry guns random firing bullets and rockets at everyone
- "chumxplode" - killer chumtoads appear directly after an explosion
- "coolflesh" - gibs stay longer, pick up gibs to eat and gain a healthkit worth of repair (hambone icon)
- "santahat" - players are capped off with santa hats and randomly say "hohoho", "merry christmas" (santahat icon)
- "sanic" - evil santa and sanic with a santa hat team up against you
- "loopback" - teleport to the place of your last frag
- "maxpack" - drop all weapons and ammo in play (Multiplayer only)
- "infiniteammo" - all weapons have infinite ammo
- "randomweapon" - spawn with a randomly selected weapon
- "speedup" - everything is sped up by half! (Single-player only)
- "rockets" - a random chance of rockets throw on attack!
- "invisible" - everyone is partially invisible!
- "grenades" - a random chance of a grenade throw on attack
- "astronaut" - gravity is turned down
- "snowballs" - a random chance of snowballs throw on attack
- "pushy" - all weapon attacks push you back like a gauss attack

Even More Parkour Elements
- Player Flips, Wall Climb, and Acrobatics
- Support for wall climbing (and create climbing) with a visual indicator
- "impulse 210" supports rolling kicking to the right
- "impulse 211" supports rolling kicking to the left
- "impulse 212" supports a kickback flip
- Improved kick and punch animations
- Off-handed Grenade Throw

Single Player Gameplay
- Adds separate single-player folder, ice_beta3_sp, which supports single player

Spree Announcements
- Unreal Tournament styled spree achievements
- Fast fragging unlocks awesome announcements

New Player Models
- Added Baer

- Many patches from Beta 2. See readme.txt for details.

Beta 2 has launched in August 2022! Get it here and Join our discord server.

Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 2

Beta 2 Features:
Includes all features of Beta 1 with mega enhancements!

New Weapons
- Includes SD/HD models that can switch blue/orange skins. (+) = Supports ironsight
- Desert Eagle (+)
- Xero n2o Freeze Gun (+)
- Dual Desert Eagles - Shoot / Shoot Both
- Dual RPGs - Shoot Both / Extreme Rockets
- Dual Mag60s
- Dual SMGs
- Dual Wrenchs - Swing Both / Throw Both
- Dual USAS-12 - Shoot / Shoot Both
- Snarks - Throw / Release All
- Camera mode added: Tactical Nuke Launcher - Shoot Nuke / Camera Mode (Goodbye all!)
- Unique hud sprites for all weapons

New Maps

- Snowcross, an expanded reskin of crossfire
- Frostfire, a reskin of bounfire by TheSpacePirate
- Drift, a reskin of dust by AudioCraZ
- Graphic spectator overviews for all maps

New Player Models
- Snowman

Dual-Wielded Weapons
- Support for the pipe wrench, desert eagles, mag60s, smgs, usas, and rpgs!
- "impulse 205" to swap between single and dual weapons
- "mp_dualsonly" to play with only dual weapons

Fear / Trepang2 / Selaco Slide
- While looking ahead, press "+forward" three times in a row to slide
- Offhanded Punch, Kick, and Slide
- "impulse 206" supports the kick function
- "impulse 207" supports the punch function
- "impulse 208" supports the slide function

Pick up and Punch Back
- Use button can pick up grenades and satchels, throwing them back
- Pickup, kick, or punch back snarks, chumtoads
- See "mp_interactiveitems" to extend this list!

Weapon Updates
- Crowbar/Throw decals
- Bullet decals and ricochet sparks
- Thicker crosshairs/crosshairs on melees/change colors with cl_icemodels
- Support for real muzzle flash using cl_icemodels 0
- Randomized fire sprites at end of explosions
- Increase grappling hook deploy speed, provide damage and speed cvars
- Mortar turrets support ice explosions
- Add support for unlimited throwable objects with infinite ammo mode

Client Support
- "snowman" supports god mode (when sv_cheats 1)
- "cl_showtips" to show random text tips during gameplay
- "cl_shadows" draws rendered shadows
- "cl_glowmodels" draws glow models if available
- Footstep sound effects for snow and other textures
- Modern weapon viewmodel improvements
- Weapon retracts when up against a wall

- Added "sv_jumpheight" to adjust amount of player's jump height
- Powerup Runes
- Amount of runes spawned now related to the amount of connected players

- Include glass HUD effect to death notice and weapon identification
- "cl_flashonpickup" flashes HUD on picking up weapon or item

- Updated corner logo
- Improved background and loading menu with new snowflake menu

- Added "mp_icesprites 1" to switch between select ice and real environment sprites
- Added announcement to those that join the server
- Added "mp_randomweapon 0" to give a random weapon at spawn
- Added "mp_interactiveitems", a semicolon-separated list of items that are "interactive" (kickable, pickupable)
- Added "mp_snowballfight", to play with one-shot kill snowballs only!

- Many patches from Beta 1. See readme.txt for details.

Beta 1 has launched for Christmas 2021. Get it here and Join our discord server.

Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 1

Beta 1 Features
- Supports bots for single play
- Supports Steam on Windows, Linux, and macOS
- Supports desktop Xash3d (see the installation for details - Android support coming in Beta 2)

30 weapons with originals included (and more)!
Includes SD/HD models with the ability to switch blue/orange skins. (+) = Supports ironsight
- Manos de Piedras - Right / Left Jabs / Shoryuken
- Standard Crowbar - Right / Left Swing / Throw
- 12-Inch Combat Knife - Right / Left Stab / Throw
- 40 Pound Monkey Wrench - Right / Left Swing / Throw
- Koshak's Chainsaw - Right / Left Swing / Full Throttle
- PPK Silenced Handgun - Shoot / Add Silencer (+)
- 44 Magnum Revolver - Shoot / Zoom (+)
- Blade's Mag 60 Automatic Handgun - Shoot / Sideways + Voiceovers (+)
- Hans Gruber's Submachine gun - Shoot / Burst Mode + Voiceovers (+)
- M16 Machine gun - Shoot / M203 Grenade (+)
- Samuel L. Jackson's 12 Gauge Shotgun - Shoot / Pump + Voiceovers (+)
- Explosive Assault Shotgun - Shoot / Double (+)
- Air-Compressed Auto Boltgun - Shoot / Zoom (+)
- 7.65mm Sniper Rifle - Shoot / Zoom
- 25-Inch Chaingun - Spin up / Shoot (+)
- 120-Pound Grenade Launcher - Shoot M203 / Shoot Cluster (+)
- USAS-12 Auto Shotgun - Shoot (+)
- 50-lb Automatic LAW Rocket Launcher - Shoot Rocket / Shoot Extreme Rockets (+)
- Gauss - Shoot / Power Shot
- Quake II Railgun - Shoot Rail (+)
- Hivehand - Shoot M203 / Shoot Cluster
- Egon's Egon - Fire / Change Wide + Narrow
- 30mm Assault Cannon - Shoot Flak / Shoot Flak Bomb (+)
- Tactical Nuke Launcher - Shoot Nuke (Goodbye all!)
- Snowballs - Throw / Long Throw (+)
- Cluster Grenades - Throw Cluster / Throw Grenade (+)
- Invisible Beam Tripmines - Place Tripmine
- Assassin Decoy Bombs - Throw Decoy
- Chumtoads - Throw / Release All
- Leeroy Jenkins Dynamite Vest - Detonate / Cancel

Original and new maps are back too!
- Training Facility
- Stalkyard 2
- Snowyard
- Cold Ice
- Canyon
- Focus
- Furrow
- Training Facility 2
- Bounce 2
- Catacombs
- Fences
- Depot

14 new player models
- Alpina
- Army
- Assassin
- Commando
- Grunt
- HHev
- Holo
- Hotfire
- Iceman (default)
- Navy
- Recon
- Santa
- Stormtrooper
- Swat

Server Support
- Bot support using Grave Bots
- Spawn starting weapons list (and spawn "with all")
- Infinite Ammo options (for extreme/insane play)
- Blood amount configuration

Modern weapon viewmodel improvements
- Holster weapon animations!
- Right-handed or left-handed models
- Weapon sway and fidget animation for realism
- Bullet and gun smoke animation for effect
- Option to switch between ice model skins and real model skins!
- Option for original models and high res models
- Modern HUD improvements
- Hud responds to motion in a glass-like effect
- Experimental iron sights support for select weapons

Offhand Grappling Hook

Powerup Runes
- "Frag" - purple - obtain twice the amount of frags
- "Vampire" - red - obtain health when inflicting damage
- "Protect" - green - soften the damage sustained by half
- "Regen" - pink - continually repair health
- "Haste" - orange - walk and run 50% faster
- "Gravity" - blue - jump 40% farther
- "Strength" - yellow - inflict 50% more damage
- "Cloak" - white - 90% invisibility

More humorous movie sound clips!
Throwing melee weapons!
New weapons will randomly spawn in place of original weapons
Original Scoreboard, MOTD, view roll options!

Beta 2 Highly-Valued Upcoming Features in 2022

- Xash3d Android support
- Kick
- Pistol whip (all weapons)
- Akimbo's (all weapons)
- Throw (all weapons)
- Iron sights refinements
- More weapons like the Portal gun
- More Valve maps reskinned
- And more!

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RSS Articles

As the Cold Ice Remastered team continues to work on Beta 5, we invite you to download Beta 4 and join our lively Discord community. Are you still a UT99 fan but out of servers to play? Read about the excellent features of Beta 4 and see for yourself. Then, make the switch. (Yes, we have UT Darkmatch mode too)

force steal hallway

This month, we feature the force grab mechanic. This effect was inspired by DokuGamesLTD's new game Out of Action. We liked their "nano-wire" concept, so we took a crack at implementing an essential grab function in goldSrc.

another grab

The best part is getting the satisfaction of forcing it back if you dislike the selection! Tap the force grab bind before the weapon lands, and it becomes a deadly projectile.

force steal blowback

Anyway, we strongly encourage you to support Out Of Action. It's brimming with potential, highlighting some of the most innovative combination FPS mechanics. We've even heard its inspiration GoldSrc's very own The Specialists—much respect.

Next on the list is our new gameplay mode, Instagib, which makes Cold Ice's game mode total to fourteen. And Instagib is self-explanatory. Each player has a special zapper, which shoots a fast projectile. If hit, you get gibbed. As a special surprise, a tombstone is raised in your name.

insta gib againinstagib shorter

Finally, we improved a few features of the mod. We enabled point credits for train frags, telefrag frags.

train credit single

We also improved the railgun to reflect on certain angles for more gunplay value and added a mutator called "closeup," which forces iron sights (if available) on during battle.

railgun reflect

This update closes out another solid month of work. If you haven't played ice, you should. It's the wildest Half-Life mod ever made. While we await the next drop of Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5, you can download Beta 4 right now. Join us on our Discord channel for the latest updates and information.

fireanother grab 2

Cold Ice Remastered: Shidden, Horde, and More Mutators

Cold Ice Remastered: Shidden, Horde, and More Mutators


Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5 will feature Shidden and Horde Gamemodes Plus Third Person Support.

Cold Ice Remastered: Timed Mutators and Golden Guns

Cold Ice Remastered: Timed Mutators and Golden Guns


Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5 will feature Timed Mutators and Golden Guns Mutator.

Cold Ice Remastered: Capture The Flag and Knife Sniping

Cold Ice Remastered: Capture The Flag and Knife Sniping


Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5 will feature Capture The Flag and knife sniping.

Cold Ice Remastered: Beta 5 Cold Skulls and New Mutators

Cold Ice Remastered: Beta 5 Cold Skulls and New Mutators


Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5 will feature new gameplay modes and... a toilet mutator?

RSS Files
Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 4

Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 4

Demo 6 comments

The beta 4 release of Cold Ice Remastered @ version d5b5a37

Defroster For Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3

Defroster For Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3

Multiplayer Map

The release of the map Defroster for Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3 @ version 8258aea

QuadFrost For Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3

QuadFrost For Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3

Multiplayer Map

The release of the map QuadFrost for Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3 @ version 219197d

DoubleStrife release

DoubleStrife release

Multiplayer Map

Double Strife - HD rebuild of classic Half-Life map - doublecross

Detailed Textures Pack for Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 3

Detailed Textures Pack for Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 3


The release of Detailed Textures Pack for Cold Ice Remastered Beta 3 @ version 5b3c034

Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 3

Cold Ice Remastered - Beta 3

Demo 3 comments

The beta 3 release of Cold Ice Remastered @ version b754661

Post comment Comments  (0 - 10 of 53)
sneky210 - - 15 comments

Man... THIS IS AWESOME! It's kind of like tf2, but 100x more unhinged. Unfortunately, nobody really plays it, so I need to go up against bots.

Like, your bullets propel you into the air? WHAT?!

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
solidi Creator
solidi - - 76 comments

Thank you! We continue to work on beta 4 by adding lots of new mutators and gameplay modes: totally unhinged!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Shadow_864 - - 398 comments

Decent remaster

Reply Good karma Bad karma+4 votes
solidi Creator
solidi - - 76 comments

Thanks for that. We will keep at it!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
Shadow_864 - - 398 comments

This is better than The Specialists Mod
Mod looks decent

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
Guest - - 698,242 comments

This comment is currently awaiting admin approval, join now to view.

~X~ - - 555 comments

This mod could benefit SO much from XDM's RenderSystem... :)
PS: why do some screenshots look like 8-bit?

Reply Good karma Bad karma+2 votes
solidi Creator
solidi - - 76 comments

We love XDM and heard extraordinarily great things about it!

Our gif screenshots have a reduced palette because we want to show the action, but moddb has a maximum size of 4 Mb. It does not look like this in-game!

Reply Good karma+1 vote
SeanGaming - - 209 comments

The concept looks pretty good, I like it. This reminds me of playing PvP back in school.

Reply Good karma Bad karma+1 vote
solidi Creator
solidi - - 76 comments

Indeed, we also have numerous gameplay modes in Beta 3. They include "Iceman" (like Fat Kid), "Last Man Standing", "1v1 Arena", and "Snowballs only."

In Beta 4, we will add "Gun Game" (at least 50 levels) and "Capture the Chumtoad" (like Capture the Chicken from Quake II/III), all while having a blast with "cool" weapons.

All modes can be played with bots or with other players.

Reply Good karma+2 votes
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