Cold Ice Remastered is like Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 for GoldSrc but much older and... cool. This project is a modern open-sourced rebuild of Cold Ice 1.75, a popular Half-Life mod back in 1999. Set in a winter scene, its philosophy is to deliver a deathmatch that doesn't take itself seriously. Only in this mod will you find voiceover cameos from Samuel L. Jackson, Hans Gruber, and "Leeroy Jenkins" by Ben Schulz. Its ethos delivers an explosively frantic fast-paced gameplay that was and will always be Cold Ice. This mod features works from the community. Without their dedication and hard work, this mod wouldn't look good. All credits can be found in readme.txt. Thank you all.

Report RSS Cold Ice Remastered: Capture The Flag and Knife Sniping

Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5 will feature Capture The Flag and knife sniping.

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header beta5

It was another fantastic month in developing Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5. As we wait for the new version, we invite you to download Beta 4 and join our vibrant Discord community. Still moody? Read about the excellent features of Beta 4 and see for yourself.

ctf commando

First, we introduce our new gameplay mode, Capture the Flag. In this mode, you'll embark on one of two teams. Capture the enemy's flag from their base and return it to yours. Cold Ice Remastered will be compatible with all Deathmatch maps, as the bases are set to two places on the map. Good luck!

let them eat cakelet them eat cake 2

Next, Cold Ice Remastered continues to build on mutators requested by the community. In Beta 5, our GSS friends will love the ricochet mutator we introduced in last month's post.

Richochet is considered a mod masterpiece and will have its place in our mod as a mutator. We just finished an excellent feature—fire one or three discs and keep your head low; otherwise, you may lose the dome piece.

knife snipe

Next, we've added a knife snipe third attack mode. Hit the reload button to zoom in and deliver instant frags to your distant enemies. Our work is a tribute to Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3.

auto taunts

Finally, we have added auto-taunt mode. When you frag an enemy, and it's safe, throw shade at the deceased. Declare the absolute cheesiest lines you never wanted to hear.

If you haven't played its mod, you should. It's the best Half-Life mod ever made. But that is it for this month's update. While we await the next drop of Cold Ice Remastered Beta 5, you can download Beta 4 right now. Join us on our Discord channel for the latest updates and information.

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