Cold Ice Remastered is like Jabroni Brawl: Episode 3 for GoldSrc but much older and... cool. This project is a modern open-sourced rebuild of Cold Ice 1.75, a popular Half-Life mod back in 1999. Set in a winter scene, its philosophy is to deliver a deathmatch that doesn't take itself seriously. Only in this mod will you find voiceover cameos from Samuel L. Jackson, Hans Gruber, and "Leeroy Jenkins" by Ben Schulz. Its ethos delivers an explosively frantic fast-paced gameplay that was and will always be Cold Ice. This mod features works from the community. Without their dedication and hard work, this mod wouldn't look good. All credits can be found in readme.txt. Thank you all.

Report RSS Cold Ice Remastered: Beta 2 Updates, Kick support

Update to Cold Ice Remastered, including the kick function and the Desert Eagle work.

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Beta 2 work has started on Cold Ice Remastered!

While we released Beta 1 a few weeks ago, Beta 2 work has started for Cold Ice Remastered. It will include many new features, making gameplay even more intensely fun.

First, we have the off-handed kick. Inspired by Brutal Half-Life, our changelog includes the ability to high-five your friend with your leg.


In addition, we made tweaks and modifications to kick, added boot-stomping decals, bot support, and a third-person player kick animation.

final kick

Additionally, work on the Desert Eagle has begun as well. We like this one. We are thinking of adding Matrix voiceovers.


While these features are ongoing, Beta 1 is available for download. We have been collecting feedback on the mod and will apply patches to our next version, Beta 2, coming soon.

Stay tuned!

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