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Comment History  (120 - 150 of 1,037)
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Hardcore mode exclusive.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Combat+ Add-on v2.0

This add-on is for the excellent Quake 1.5 mod, and is compatible with whatever that mod is compatible with. I am unsure if Q1.5 is compatible with Quake HD as it modifies a lot of the same elements as HD. Check out the weapons for example (which look way better than vanilla and HD in this mod). 1.5 does not modify environment textures however, and there MAY be compatibility there. Hopefully someone can clarify.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Combat+ Add-on v2.0

This add-on has potential for further growth. Join me on my discord to provide feedback and suggest new features:

The scope of Combat+ has expanded to not just weapons but AI enhancements, bugfixes and potentially more.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

You can't. You're not supposed to. They were removed in GMDX for not being up to standards Deus Ex deserves and creating visual inconsistency.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Combat+ Add-on

Remember to post feedback everybody. a v2 may happen.
You can also check out my other mods if you'd like:
Deus Ex:

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Combat+ Add-on

yeah I am looking into fixing some q1.5 bugs. The candles and water revealing zombies in particular. Also the slow-mo that sometimes appears when quickloading. I am entirely new to quake modding though so not sure where to look.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Combat+ Add-on

The Quake 1.5 SDK was released ages ago. It is how I made this add-on. So technically he has handed it off. Absolutely anyone can pick it up and fork it.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

The website appears to be down for now. For installation instructions or to browse features, use wayback machine:

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Combat+ Add-on

Depends on the map WAD I guess. Quake was already quite savage with its level design and AI though e.g vores, spawns, shambler if placement is mean, and there's no actual super weapons really (SSG is pretty crap compared to the Doom variant, even if reliable) beyond SNailgun and rocket launcher. There's no BFG equivalent. Quake 1.5 only amplifies all the challenges while not buffing the player much, whereas Brutal Doom gave the player quite a lot of (mostly reasonable) additional firepower such as secondary fire modes, a rifle to replace the useless pistol, health restoration for special kills, grenades that are relatively common etc.
For the most part, this addon doesn't make things all that much easier. Most changes elevate the oftentimes redundant weapons. The SSG and lightning gun tweaks are the only truly impactful buffs in terms of difficulty, and it's totally worth it for much more fun gunplay and actually being able to use the lightning gun to satisfaction. Just be sure to play on hard or nightmare.

Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Probably not. Maybe if someone experienced with Unreal Multiplayer/coop development contacted me offering support.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

"Is there a way to disable the feature of unholstering whatever is in your slot 1 toolbelt, that is bound to the world interact key? It's just a tad annoying."

Check the options. "Double click Holstering" and "IW toolbelt" options handle Un/holstering.

"Also, is there a way to make more of the augmentations passive, like the original Biomod mod?"

Some augs just shouldn't be passive/automated. the augmentation override canister found in MJ12 Lab has the ability to turn certain active augs passive though.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Isn't it the same story with almost every long-running game studio? If it weren't, I would not be making mods.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Thank you for the comment. Please share with other classic FPS fans.

Also consider leaving a review:
(just copy-paste what you wrote above if you want, perfectly adequate).

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution v2.2 Release

RTNP is fully supported as of the latest release. There is now also partial compatibility with any/most fan missions/campaigns.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

summon unrealevolution.weaponmodule#

# being 1-30 something

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Use air dash to cancel fall damage

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

You're welcome. Check out my other mod for Unreal (1998) which many are saying the same thing about:

Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

GMDX actually has those same models (it's from the HDTP mod), they're just in the game files unused because if enabled they create major inconsistencies between characters.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Check out the Helios mod w/gmdx addon:

It's unlikely anything else more will be done sadly. It's a lot of work, and takes a special talent and dedication to improve them all with a consistent, quality style that respects the original intent.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Thank you.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Sounds like it is installed incorrectly. Is the mod actually working?
Are the mod's features present. Check the website to see what you should be getting:

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Player damaged received, enemy health, enemy movement speed, enemy projectile speed, enemy count, resource availability. These scale with every difficulty mode except hardcore mode, which has the same values as Unreal difficulty. However hardcore mode has a bunch of additional rules such as more enemies unique to this mode, saving restrictions, +10% higher chance of vanilla random enemy spawns occurring, as well as some weapon mods unique to this mode and more.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Try UnrealEvolution.UEMutator

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Unreal Evolution IS 40% a mutator. It can be used with community made map packs/mods to replace weapons, inventory items and enemy AI. You don't get Unreal Evolution's level design enhancements, weapon mods, improved player mechanics (e.g improved dodging), graphics enhancements or anything else when used as such though.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

No, many classic FPS featured arena encounters. Most obvious being bossfights, and the RTNP arena is supposed to be the final boss in a sense because the vanilla RTNP final boss was inadequate. Non-boss examples of arena design instances include Quake, Doom 2 (O of death), and Unreal itself, which occasionally lock you in an arena until you beat the non-boss enemies and then can move on. I get it's a difficulty spike, but it's supposed to be hard. It's been beaten by numerous people on hardcore mode, let alone Unreal difficulty. Though it's kinda beside the point how many classic games did it when Unreal itself has numerous arenas against standard mobs.

Join the discord and I'll help you with all the steps necessary regarding code:

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Not currently, sorry. If I do another update I'll tie it to the "weapon flash" option.
Or I'll just make an add-on that removes it.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

You need to know unrealscript to edit code. The code is found in UnrealEvolution.u

The RTNP arena is inspired by old school design, and also Unreal itself (which has arena battles) not modern. Given the difficulty, it is probably most inspired by Doom slaughterfest wads though. It's nothing that save scumming can't solve if it's too hard for you.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution v2.2

Explosions and smoke do have minor improvements over vanilla, but indeed not much. Perhaps more should be done.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Go to documents/DeusEx/GMDX/System and delete gmdx.ini and gmdxuser.ini, then launch gmdx again.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

You're welcome

Good karma+1 vote