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Comment History  (180 - 210 of 1,037)
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Disable the Mutator from Newgame > Mutators, then start the mission pack

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Select the upgrade. Activate it. Equip the respective weapon. Activate it again.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution Released

It's semi-supported via mutator. You get UE's better guns mainly. Currently UE is strictly designed for the base game's singleplayer, and that's always where it will be of significance, but may expand later.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

I hear you man.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution Released

It's a classic FPS up there with the rest of the 90s shooters.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

This has always been the case with Unreal. It's only really noticeable on the dispersion pistol.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Unreal Evolution

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Not really no.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

UE works with all versions of Unreal.

Use the moddb forum or UE discord and we'll troubleshoot your problem

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

You're welcome. And maybe.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Absolutely not my friend

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

I've been busy grinding real life. I am dedicated to getting this released real soon, so stay tuned.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Release soon

Good karma+5 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Next update will have the option to disable the HDTP weapons.
New Vision can already be disabled.

Good karma+6 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Sounds like you're not playing GMDX. I would never implement nor authorise those particular Shifter features, as they're anti-classic LGS/Ion Storm design principles and just inferior in this context.

"Reward For Goal Accomplishment, Not Methodology

Imagine that the player is outside a locked room and given the goal of entering the room. There is a locked door leading into the room on the north wall and a window on the south wall of the room. So the player can either pick the lock on the north wall or climb up through the window on the south wall. To reward the player for the act of "lockpicking" (as some games have done), but not for the other method of entering the room is to encourage one style of play--one that favors lockpicking. (Similarly, to exclusively reward any other method for entering the room is to encourage that style of play.) To reward both methods of entering the room has two problems: 1) It requires more work, as an individual reward must be attached to each method of entering the room, and 2) it punishes the player who figures out some new, emergent strategy for entering the room by not providing a reward for this method. The optimum solution, from the DX perspective, is to reward the player for entering the room itself, regardless of how he entered. This does not favor a particular play-style, it only requires the placement of one reward and it equally rewards a successful emergent strategy (unforeseen by the designer)."
-Harvey Smith circa 2003

Good karma+4 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Naturally. Of course. As they should.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ autosaves


Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Weapon Enhancements #2: Stinger

It's been toned down.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution (Beta) Announced

It's not though :/ Like with GMDX, it's typically about subtle, faithful improvements, so it may be hard to tell at times.
Anyhow, while this is in part a graphics and art direction mod, roughly 75% of the focus is on the gameplay. That you will notice.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution


Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution

Unreal gold is currently 70% off on GOG:

Get it and play it in preparation for Unreal Evolution's release.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ New Enemies, New AI

This mod should be different. You'll like what I've done with their AI.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Max Graphics

Originally crouching in Unreal just moved your view down. It didn't actually make you smaller, so you couldn't do gameplay-relevant things like hide behind cover/crouch-jump/enter crawlspaces/duck under projectiles etc. Now crouching behaves like you'd expect, though I had to work on it quite a bit to get it to that state.

Good karma+5 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Bio Rifle Alt Fire

OldUnreal 227i

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Unreal Evolution (Beta) Announced

Preferably via discord where you can report bugs and such in real time:

If this is not ideal for you, then I can PM you.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Turn down the FPS limit. 120 and above can create problems.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

It's useful as stealth defense. Like if you don't want to hide bodies because it's a tricky area with lots of patrols, or you know a particular NPC likes to run for the alarm when he spots you. I regret not making a high level tech perk that enables costless hacking of alarm panels though, since they're otherwise not often worth the effort or resource expenditure even despite my many efforts (reduced cost to hack panels. AI behaviour described above + more, such as improvements to how NPCs react to activated alarms. Addition of the Sabotage perk).

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

NPCs may go for an alarm panel under four conditions:

1. They spot a dead/KO'd body and a panel is nearby.
2. Some are scripted to run to trigger an alarm immediately after having spotted you. Probably only approximately 8 NPCs in the game though.
3. This is a somewhat rare occurrence: the player has alerted enemies and has ran away and hidden. During their period of checking out the player's last known location, they may trigger an alarm, which activates nearby turrets which you don't want to be hiding near.
4. They enter a fearful state (typically happens if their health is low, but not always).

Only #4 was ever a thing vanilla. I added behaviours 1, 2 and 3, which results in alarm panels being somewhat more relevant to gameplay, and a little more worthy of hacking/sabotaging. More still could have been done though, perhaps.

Good karma+2 votes