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Comment History  (210 - 240 of 1,037)
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

No. And GMDX essentially already is a one-click install. The instructions are dead simple.

Good karma+4 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Mentioned in the installation instructions:

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Jobesky's Difficulty Tweaks

Dat avatar.

Good karma+8 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Hardcore with Quicksave (for 9.0.2)

It's not. Not fully. The game should work, it just won't include most of the fixes/features in 9.0.3. Given that was a pretty small update, I'd say don't worry about it and go ahead.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

There will perhaps be one more minor patch (almost exclusively bug-fixing). You can also keep an eye on the add-ons page:
There may be something else Deus Ex from me in the future, but absolutely no promises.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

"did anyone else encounter this?". I don't recall it ever being reported. There's some kind of edge case involved here for sure. Did you have v8 installed on your machine when you installed v9?

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ AMC TC EP 3 Egypt Screenshot

That Shock 2 Tacticool assault rifle is sexy as hell, and looks even better than the original with the sprite-based hand.
Curious about the level design, but if I recall Micky C did some decent work in previous episodes so all should be well.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ AMC TC Episode 3 Trailer

Lol. Looks like it's nearly time to jump into the weird and wacky world of The AMC TC once more.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Somewhat. Perhaps not as much as it could have been though.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Hurrah my kitties!

While the dialogue is indeed crap quality (sometimes) there's oftentimes charm and comedy value in it. And I'm certain that's intentional (all LGS-style games had elements of comedy).
Othertimes no, it's just crap and no laughs were intended, but I'd say this makes up some 25% of the actors at most.
Personally I wouldn't want to change this anyway. One of my rules of faithfulness was to never remove iconic things; the game's core identity. Can sensibly tweak them maybe, but don't take the Deus Ex out of Deus Ex. The result holds true in the final version of GMDX.
Redoing the voice acting something legitimately would be lost. Simons for example, yeah some of his lines are flaky but the actor IS Simons in fans' minds, and his voice is highly iconic. Just can't remove him and replace him with someone else. And yeah, it would be quite the task to commit to anyway.

I think going forward it's best to focus on GUI resolution, animated pickups (more stuff like GMDX's flare) as well as HDTP inconsistencies, and ?

...but all that are variably huge undertakings too.

So yeah, redoing the voice acting is too liberal for GMDX. Nearly every change had conservative intent behind it (Not being political here, just using the words literally).

Good karma+4 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

In DeusEx.ini set Coronas false under whichever renderer you are using. Coronas typically are only large on the first level though. Same as vanilla.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Use GUI scaling. When launching the game go into the "configure" menu.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Someone is working on a GMDX add-on that replaces the models with the originals.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Install the russian fan traslation over vanilla Deus Ex, then install GMDX and select Russian language.

If you need further help, check out:

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Thanks. Accurate description.
Be sure to spread the word in relevant Deus Ex discussion!

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

How about if you talk to the girls instead, or attack them so that they get scared and run into the club and open the doors for you?

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ The AMC Squad

More from this crazy (and cool) mod? Sign me up right away!

Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Thanks for the reminder.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Yeah I've seen that before. Doesn't happen for everyone.
Thanks for reporting it.

Thanks for recognising all the hard work and time (so much time...) I spent on all those little, yet very numerous essential fixes and refinements. People often overlook much of that in the face of the more obvious stuff.

Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Yeah, there's some minor imperfections. The result of not having enough artists interested in Deus Ex, primarily.

Good karma+2 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Absolutely, that's exactly what the enhanced artistic direction side of the mod does. Non-intrusive also being key. See: and use the sliders for comparison. The best examples of GMDX's approach are the second and third sliders, as the first is a rare one-off in that it makes more notable changes (and it had to, because the vanilla skybox here was not very good for multiple reasons).
GMDX is easily the best looking version of DX (that is still DX).

Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX


Good karma+3 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

HDTP characters are disabled outright. See reasoning here:

GMDX special options menu can be cheat-unlocked by finding the second instance of bhardcoreunlocked=false in gmdxuser.ini and setting it to true. gmdxuser.ini is located in documents/deusex/gmdxv9/system

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

I expected as much in this popularity contest. Deus Ex itself isn't for the average gamer as it is. The Deus Ex community is near-nonexistent. And lastly marketing is (nearly) everything.
Yet GMDX has a moddb-assigned award already from a few years back, so we can't be pissy or sock-eating over the fact that we never got another :)

Thanks for the support though guys. And it would be great to see someone eat their socks over this, I wont lie.

Good karma+5 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ Players Choice - Mod of the Year 2017

GMDX Got an Editors Choice MOTY award in 2014. Granted that was years ago and the mod is ~thrice as better now, but moddb have supported it in the past. It also got an honourable mention of sorts in the 2017 top 100 mods announcement:

"It’s been an incredible year for mods with some of the highlights including Morrowind Rebirth, GMDX, Tiberium Secrets, and Dark Interval."

...But it didn't seem like anybody actually read that, as I saw very little traffic from that article.

I hear you though, Mr. CP.

Good karma+5 votes
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Install error.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Sorry, not possible unless someone makes an add-on that removes them.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

Not possible.

Good karma+1 vote
|Totalitarian| - - 1,037 comments @ GMDX

That conclusion would be wrong. Maybe actually try a HW build?

Good karma+2 votes