Epoch Games Forums

A New Epoch

We at Epoch Games strive to provide the very best RPG experience possible, while working closely with our community to achieve the best immersion and visuals known in an Indie-developed game. We are comprised of developers from around the world and have a dedication to the world we create and our community. Our current project, "Lays of Althas: Sundered Order", is a Medieval low-fantasy RPG set in the world of Jevreth, on the continent of Althas.

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order is Epoch Games’ current and first project.

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order is a Single-player, first-person, Medieval-Fantasy RPG currently being developed on Epic's Unreal Engine 4, for Windows PCs. The game is currently planned to be released by a Chapter basis, with every Chapter bringing new regional content and planned gameplay features.
More information is avaliable in our IndieDB page.

Joining the Team

Epoch Games is currently looking for new members, so if you have any of the skills mentioned below and have a passion for game development, please fill out an application on our forum. Keep in mind that Epoch Games is currently a non-profit group, and that we are all-volunteer. Feel free to enquire more about joining; you can contact our members via private messages or on the forums. We look forward to hearing from you!

We are currently looking for:

  • Programmers with experience in C++, Unreal Engine and OpenGL
    • AI would be a BIG plus.
  • Unreal Engine Blueprint Scripters

and any other relevant skills...

The Community

Feel free to come join our community at our forums: EpochGames.com/forums
Team members are readily available for contact; don’t hesitate to ask more, we’re eager to interact with our community. Join the chat on our forums, post on our Facebook page, or start a discussion on our DB page!

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The Lays of Althas : Sundered Order

The Lays of Althas : Sundered Order

Role Playing

Even in its early days, Althas has been a land shaken by conflicts. In the early days, these conflicts pitted the Anointed Kingdoms of Men against the...

Post comment Comments  (80 - 90 of 100)
OwenYulefield - - 199 comments

Another MERP convert here! I was really fired up last night about all the news but I've calmed down now :P I don't have any modding experience (yet), but I'd be more than happy to help out in any way I can.

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lnsanity - - 169 comments

Hey, guys! I'm a fan who's come over from MERP. I wish you guys all the best on your new IP!
I'm wondering what being a designer entails - I'm considering going into game design as my future career, and will likely be taking it in university. If I find myself suitable, I'd probably offer myself up for joining this project, as it'd make good experience, as long as nobody minds taking a newbie under their wing.

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Epoch_MEB Creator
Epoch_MEB - - 450 comments

It all depends on what sector of the team you are looking at. What skills do you currently have that we could benefit from? We are looking for anyone who can program, make assets, use the engine, can draw etc.

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lnsanity - - 169 comments

I can use engines, but it depends. I've had some experience with Unreal Engine and with modding Skyrim/Oblivion, but I've never really scripted. I think I can learn how fairly easily, though. I can draw pretty well (as other people tell me) and I have a graphic tablet for my computer, but my main interest in game design is character/story/gameplay design. I'm a hobbyist writer, and I've actually written up a number of worlds for possible future video game development (2 fully fleshed out, 4 in progress).

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

Writing is definitely going to be needed. Althas is set in an entirely new world. I'm the lead writer who has done most of the writing behind the new IP. There's also names who has helped a lot with that. But that's it. So writers would be welcome. However, if you want to join as a writer, be prepared to do some reading. There's a growing backdrop of lore behind Althas you will need to catch up on.

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lnsanity - - 169 comments

That really sounds great! I love and is prepared to do a lot reading. So, I can join the team as a writer? :D

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Xangba - - 4 comments

Hey, I don't have any kind of references or work out for the public or anything like that, but I do love designing characters (writing standpoint, not actual character models) since I RP a lot with friends. I know you likely want people with plenty of experience, but if you need help with writing I'd love to give it a shot.

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Anglachel - - 522 comments

And here we are, ready for another modding/modtracking adventure. I sure hope this one has a happier conclusion ;)

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InsanityPays - - 1,833 comments

Tracking ^^

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

so will you have a public claims area like you had with merp? and are you planning on selling Althas or are you just making it for the fun of it?

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

There will be, on our forums. A link for which will be coming soon.

As of right now, we are not going to sell it. And there are no plans to change that. ;)

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jaydencross - - 35 comments

I really admire people like you, those that actually put in the effort into the game and not ask for people to give you money, I know if you did nearly all your backers would, because that's what inspires amazing games. People who are interesting in making something amazing not money, and everyone I know would pay for something someone made with that ideal in mind.

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

That is the main reason why I backed star citizen. It's meant to be the best game possible without sketchy ways of making or saving money. Which is something that an EAed company thinks of first when making any sort of a game. EAed companies include but are not limited to: WB, EA, Activision, Ubisoft, etc (it's painful for me to say Ubisoft is EAed but they are in no way a consumer friendly company) basically any company that puts money first and the people that will be playing their games second. Some none EAed companies are CIG (Cloud Imperium Games) CD Project RED, and a bunch of indie game makers (but their not exactly full companies so they don't exactly count)

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

Did anyone ever tell you guys that you guys are awesome? since you guys are really awesome modders/game makers. LONG LIVE EPOCH GAMES!!!

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

lol Thanks. Hopefully, we'll have some real pics to show you soon as well as some good info ;)

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

there was about 30+ people working on merp if i can remember so about how many of them transitioned to Epoch?

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

we had over forty in the end. Around sixteen formed Epoch Games. We have since added some new members. A good start honestly. MERP started with five people who by their own admission barely knew what they were getting into :P

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

I wonder whether I could join, although don't expect much from me due to my complete lack of experience. Although I was working on a candle prop before the C&D which I am quite a ways done and I wonder whether it could be a worthy asset in Althas. It was meant to fit in a Lord of the Rings environment but it isn't directly Lord of the Rings related. Of course I only have the raw model of it without any textures for it:( and I would most certainly need some guiding from others if I ever hope to be ztree level at modeling. Seriously his work was awesome slightly sad he moved to a different skyrim project instead of going with Epoch games, due to the fact that skyrim has its issues which limit the awesomeness that can be put into it. Like the world map limit, the ram CTD issue, along with a lot more bugs and problems.

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