Epoch Games Forums

A New Epoch

We at Epoch Games strive to provide the very best RPG experience possible, while working closely with our community to achieve the best immersion and visuals known in an Indie-developed game. We are comprised of developers from around the world and have a dedication to the world we create and our community. Our current project, "Lays of Althas: Sundered Order", is a Medieval low-fantasy RPG set in the world of Jevreth, on the continent of Althas.

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order is Epoch Games’ current and first project.

The Lays of Althas: Sundered Order is a Single-player, first-person, Medieval-Fantasy RPG currently being developed on Epic's Unreal Engine 4, for Windows PCs. The game is currently planned to be released by a Chapter basis, with every Chapter bringing new regional content and planned gameplay features.
More information is avaliable in our IndieDB page.

Joining the Team

Epoch Games is currently looking for new members, so if you have any of the skills mentioned below and have a passion for game development, please fill out an application on our forum. Keep in mind that Epoch Games is currently a non-profit group, and that we are all-volunteer. Feel free to enquire more about joining; you can contact our members via private messages or on the forums. We look forward to hearing from you!

We are currently looking for:

  • Programmers with experience in C++, Unreal Engine and OpenGL
    • AI would be a BIG plus.
  • Unreal Engine Blueprint Scripters

and any other relevant skills...

The Community

Feel free to come join our community at our forums: EpochGames.com/forums
Team members are readily available for contact; don’t hesitate to ask more, we’re eager to interact with our community. Join the chat on our forums, post on our Facebook page, or start a discussion on our DB page!

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The Lays of Althas : Sundered Order

The Lays of Althas : Sundered Order

Role Playing

Even in its early days, Althas has been a land shaken by conflicts. In the early days, these conflicts pitted the Anointed Kingdoms of Men against the...

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Guest - - 700,255 comments

I don't think the game should be free. A paid alpha build would generate money for development and ultimately produce a better game.

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

That is why we have been wary with making promises right now at the very beginning. Even with the most minimalistic forms of organization and development methods, there are expenses to development. At this point, we just enjoy what we do and intend to pursue our vision. I will promise this: however this goes, we will be honest and fair in our dealings. We aren't in this to get rich and have no intentions of aiming for outrageous profits. That's just not what we're about.

Reply Good karma+4 votes
Anglachel - - 522 comments

Shut up and take my money :P But seriously, I would pay you guys for your efforts in MERP alone ;)

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

I would do so as well; that is assuming I had money... :(

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

There should be more people like you and less people like the CEO's of EA and WB...

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Xangba - - 4 comments

That's up to them. If they believe they have the resources to produce a quality game and make it free, then that's what they will try to do. Since they want it to be free I would say open donations to ease things along, but again that's their decision.

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

Except with donations or any sort of income how would the public claims section work? would all those participants not be eligible for donations? At least that's the main problem I see here and could explain why CIG still hasn't implemented such a part on the forum even though I asked them to do so...

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

Well donations would go to the Epoch Games group itself for general expenses. Some include trademark and copyright registration, site maintenance, file hosting expenses, etc. And then unforeseen expenses can occur. Public claims with no intentions kf joining would be donations in and of themselves. Assignments to applicants would be for admittance to the team. That's just some examples of how we would handle that.

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Sidhion - - 1 comments

I have a question, if you don't mind: You seem to be very open with your follows and I was wondering, will we be able to 'inspire' your descisions in anyway? Like, you could ask us what we thought about something, or will you just stick to your own thoughts and plans?

Also, sorry about MERP, and thanks for the amazing screenshots! But that is the past and I wish you luck with this new project!

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names_are_useless Creator
names_are_useless - - 311 comments

@Sidhion: Personally, I'm quite open to story ideas (especially smaller ones). Afterall, a good open-world game should have a lot of side stories ;)

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Xangba - - 4 comments

@names_are_useless I'm really glad to hear you say that. Obviously in an RPG the main story is the primary focus, but it seems that a lot of games forget that in an open world environment that it's the side quests, the NPCs, and the lore that make the world come to life. A world that doesn't feel alive isn't nearly as interesting to be in.

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

Exactly! Many open world games fall short of their potential because the open world portion is weak. TES has a history of creating great worlds and that aspect of TES is definitely something we want to emulate. But unlike TES, we also want a really strong main story.

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Beskamir - - 7,071 comments

Another issue I think TES has in general is there is this huge open world that is awesome and epic but all the player choices don't do much to affect the environment. Guards treat you like a common peasant even though you have done all these great deeds and the Jarls think highly of you. When playing Skyrim I almost feel as if no time passes at all. Like really none of the guards know about my good deeds; while the minute I accidentally steal something every guard happens to know me... TB sums Skyrim up the best, "It's an ocean the depth of a puddle."

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

Well to be fair, the guards in Skyrim and Oblivion did have things to say concerning your deeds, but since their dialogue was randomized they didn't always say it frequently. It would help a ton if, as you became famous, certain dialogues stopped being used so that others can be heard more frequently. But yeah, your choices do tend to have an isolated area of effect. We hope to try and broaden that reach as best we can so that the world does seem to react.

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Nuvendil Creator
Nuvendil - - 924 comments

Well our commitment to a vision has always been one of our defining characteristics with MERP team. However, we will listen. On lore and story and general vision, we will likely stay the course. It is, after all, the course that is driving us. However, on mechanics and perhaps other aspects, we may be inspired by many things such as fan input. But we will keep you in the loop as much as we feel comfortable, especially at the start as we introduce you to this new world ;) .

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