
Jamie Cross


A place where I can share my mods and VP
I’ve broken AMM more than you.

Strike is over today, time to post the blorbos again ❤️ eSIMs for Gaza are currently highly needed, also remember the BDS movement (donation list is pinned on my profile)


Reblog if you’re 30 or older

This is an experiment to see if there really are as few of us as people think.You can also use this to freak out your followers who think you’re 25 or something. Yay!


My phone had a cord permanently attached to the wall, I had a Walkman, a Disc-Man, and the iPod when it was a status symbol. My first Mac had a black and white screen. I went through school without a cellphone. It took several men to lift a 32” TV… the social media we had as teens were Xanga and MySpace. The world seemed more simple and it probably was. My name is James Vincent Cross and I am 35 years old.

“Let People Tip You”

- if I start getting life advice from people I’m gonna scream…


I kinda wish Silicon Graphics Inc made it as a company. I feel like the two towers are getting pretty stale these days…


Very brief look at an upcoming eye set ahead. It's a set of semi realistic eyes. They are meant to look human, (with a few cool exceptions) but I've drawn them all by hand.

Again, I've only drawn these. Not opening Wkit till I'm back.

Here's a few of the eyes:

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