
Aiden Lydia

@aidenlydia / aidenlydia.tumblr.com

22 | ♿ | 🇩🇪 (they/them)

if you are struggling with choosing which fundraisers to support, please consider donating to the following places providing medical aid, food, and other supplies to palestine at this time:

if you are looking for individual fundraisers to donate to but are struggling to choose, gazafunds gives a spotlight to fundraisers that are not close to their goal.

instead of watching and supporting eurovision tonight, please instead boost this post & donate if you can. keep your eyes on rafah.

Source: villainelle
Anonymous asked:

this is gonna sound sooo stupid BUT i started Mass Effect and i saw you on instagram like forever ago and loved your shiara art!!! and then i couldn’t for the life of me remember your user and thought of your work when i was playing like staring at Liara like hmm.. ive seen you somewhere else.. and it was from YOU!!! and im extremely excited to have found your account again :)))

i loooooved the art you did and now i actually get it when it comes to MA.. (im getting back through the first game i bought the legendary edition on sale and am not entirely sold on Liara just yet but ill get there im sure! i wish i could romance Tali though i need to kiss her visor desperately.. wishing i had more options for lesbianism but in my heart i do) anywho LOOOOOVE YOUR STUFF!!!!! including the cod art too i like a good story and some incredible art what can i say

hope you have an amazing rest of your week im just excited to see more of what you do :))

Omg! Liara was your destiny and you found her... Also thank you, I'm glad you liked the art!

ME1 is definitely the weakest of the three games, all characters have a ton of improving to do, just you wait. Liara was a huge win for lesbian gamers at the time.. being able to date her from the very beginning when not even male Shep could have a gay romance yet is insane. But yeah, Tali would've been amazing too, she's in my top 3 favorite ME characters. First place is shared by Kaidan for male Shep and Liara for fem Shep, of course. (don't ever make me choose between them)

Anyway, I have a few Shiara WIPs I'm planning on finishing, so hopefully there'll be new art soon-ish :3


I love that whenever these two are in the same room, they just hungrily stare at eachother. Literally devour themselves with their eyes

They're both like this image of that cake pop staring at a cookie


09 Ghoap finding excuses to get Riley in Mactavish's lap

"We're outnumbered, get us a working vehicle would ye Riley?" Mactavish grit out into the comms, popping up from behind the overturned car he was sheltering behind to fire at the enemy before ducking down just before a spray of bullets was sent his way.

"Yessir." Was the only reply over comms.

Mactavish left it at that, trusting his lieutenant to carry out his order and instead focusing on decreasing the numbers against them as best as he could.

A few minutes later, Riley reported he'd found a working vehicle for their escape, his voice sounding almost uncertain as it crackled over the radio.

"Copy that, moving to yer location." Mactavish clicked off his comms, frowning slightly at the uncharacteristic caution he'd heard, quickly picking his way through the dilapidated area.

Reaching the meeting point suggested by Riley, Mactavish expected to simply have to hop into a car and make a quick retreat, only to be met with the sight of Riley crouched by a motorbike of all things.

Small snippet of a fic I'm writing based on a conversation with @existentialgaybirdnerd


There is still hope. Say it out loud. Palestine will be free. The Palestinian people will celebrate their culture and heritage with each other. We will love and be loved. Do not fall into the trap of despair.

I'm not saying this just for morale. I'm saying this as a reminder that the colonialist regime relies on your despair, uses it to further their propaganda. Once you lose hope, and tell everyone you lose hope, you are aiding the Zionist Entity.

Make it a point that you BELIEVE that Palestine will be free even in the face of genocide. Hope can halt genocide. Do not aid our oppressors.

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