

@lokiina / lokiina.tumblr.com

Kris | 33 | Canada  They/He (either one is fine) Trans. Gay. Weird as hell. I'm probably more scared of you than you are of me. Current Hyperfixation: Cyberpunk2077 if you want the sus posts they're on a side blog linked in the side.

Idk who needs to hear it but if you have Aphantasia you can absolutely do character art. Don't let it discourage you. Especially since a good portion of art advice won't fit you and will leave you feeling like its your fault.

I have Aphantasia, its super hard to put characters in poses from my mind. I cannot draw cartoons or exaggeration well, its very hard because I do not see the drawing until it is on the page. I use so many construction lines and blocks of color and always need a reference to base my character poses on. I cannot imagine things artistically before they're on the page and it is super frustrating.

You can still do it with Aphantasia though, it just takes practice. So many of your sketches without references are going to look awful despite you knowing the proper proportions of the human body, it doesn't mean you don't know what you're doing.

It just means you need to give yourself extra help. You're not lesser or bad for not being able to draw on a whim or not having these intricate details. Trust me, I've struggled with thinking that.

The best thing you can do to work with it is collect so many references, use a pose software (like magic poser), and absolutely screenshot and collect art that has a creative element you struggle with. (For me its color, backgrounds, and splash text.) Also, maybe practice abstract art. You have a brain unhindered by a visual expectation, I recommend it. For me I like to do surrealist/abstract pictures of water and space. It takes technical skill but everyday is a good day to start practicing.

Having Aphantasia is a neutral thing. It's not bad or good, it's just there. That bad part is not acknowledging that you work differently so you need to adapt differently.


Each time I look at other people art process I am like "wow, they don't spend two hours drawing simple half-body sketch redrawing every detail for ten-twenty times because they just can imagine it". And when I was younger the only "advise" I've seen from other artists was "just try to imagine it!".

Anyway I very much recommend @adorkastock and @jookpubstock for anatomy/pose references.


I shouldn't have to say this but apparently I need to?

People asking for content/trigger warnings on content is NOT bullying. No one is telling you to stop posting. It's simply asking you to be mindful of sensitive topics. It's not that deep.

You can always say no to a request, you have that right. But don't be shocked if people choose to unfollow/block to protect themselves from potentially triggering content.


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omg I just saw this

thank you tumblr notifs. dkgfjhdkfjgh

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