
a Techie and his RVC00N

@pinkyjulien / pinkyjulien.tumblr.com


━ HE/HIM | Queer 🌈💙🤍💜 ━ 💻 MODDER | 📸 VP | 🎨ARTIST 

Mainly a Cyberpunk 2077 blog also share a lot of shitpost, opinions ™ and raccoons 🦝

I post a lot about Nomads, especially Mitch and my V, Valentin! 🔹 Ship Tag: #OTP:HighVoltage

I queue a lot of posts but do not have a queue tag! Feel free to ask me to tag something specific (characters, OC, etc)

Anons are turned off, but my Asks/DMs are open for anything 🧡

✅ Totally OK to tag me in Tag Games!

🛑 I'm not comfortable with Mitch content in general, especially when it comes to ships of all kind (MLM, WLM, OT3...) This is sadly NOT something I can control 🙏

⏸ For the reason above, I have multiple tags blocked/hidden and use xKit, if you tag me in something and I do not react to it, it's probably because I cannot see it; feel free to reach out if you have any doubts! 🤲

🟨 You can also find me on: 

⏩ PillowFort (NSFT account)

━ More useful links under read more


Having both Aphantasia and Phantosmia is wild dude

Wdym i can't imagine or rotate an apple in my brain, but I'll randomly sniff up BBQ or chicken curry out of nowhere in the middle of the night 👁👄👁 UH

Lokii and I are the only empty brained of the group chat so I had to show them what my vision tm was trynna imagine an apple

thats literally the inside of my flesh hHHHF


Question for people with aphantasia:

What happens when you read? Is it more difficult to connect to a written story rather than a movie?

(When I read, I see a kind of movie in my head, but you probably don't, and I'm curious.)


Ancientt foto i wanted to post here, quick detox from my blog being only hot women (not that im complainin hurhurh)

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