seed grain

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Related to seed grain: seed corn
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.seed grain - good quality seeds (as kernels of corn) that are reserved for plantingseed grain - good quality seeds (as kernels of corn) that are reserved for planting
seed stock - a supply of seeds (or tubers) reserved for planting
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References in periodicals archive ?
Simpsons' merchanting business experienced improved profitability and turnover due to its strong farm input sales, which include fertiliser, seed grain and agrochemicals.
(2010) and Arshad et al., (2008) who also reported substantial increase in seed grain yield of newly developed varieties compared to standard check varieties.
Even greater than the elation over the sudden windfall, however, was the relief that the federal constabulary would not be descending on my domicile to break down our doors, drag me away in chains, and confiscate the family treasure (such as it is)--down to the last farthing, including the spavined plough horse, our first-born child, the moldy seed grain, and whatever stray crumbs or bezoars might remain.
Individual farmers were taxed until they entered the collective, and collective farms were allowed to seize individual farmers' seed grain, used to plant the next year's harvest.
Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is a seed grain that is bursting with nutrition.
Working with Dairyland Seed, we decided to target this growing market and share why Dairyland Seed grain can provide the right traits and yields for growers' operations.