seed corn

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seed corn

1. (Agriculture) the good quality ears or kernels of corn that are used as seed
a. assets or investments that are expected to provide profits in the future
b. (as modifier): seed-corn finance.
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend:
Noun1.seed corn - good quality seeds (as kernels of corn) that are reserved for plantingseed corn - good quality seeds (as kernels of corn) that are reserved for planting
seed stock - a supply of seeds (or tubers) reserved for planting
Based on WordNet 3.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.
References in classic literature ?
He laughed at theoretical treatises on estate management, disliked factories, the raising of expensive products, and the buying of expensive seed corn, and did not make a hobby of any particular part of the work on his estate.
By giving a chattel mortgage on their growing wheat, they borrowed enough, at twenty per cent, to buy seed corn and a plow.
Under his guidance, in 1907 Extension department staffers worked with Iowa schoolteachers to instruct children in the basic principles of seed germination, planting a crop, harvesting and storing seed corn.
With the goal of meeting customer needs across Canada both now and into the future, Maizex Seeds has announced it is expanding seed corn production through the purchase of the former Dow AgroSciences seed corn facility located in Blenheim, Ontario.
One that's come back to me recently, and relates to my topic today was this particular nugget: "Son, don't go eating your seed corn, you understand?"
More draconian public sector cuts will result in further privatisation of the NHS and irreparable damage to our schools, which will exacerbate our skills deficit to the extent that it amounts to devouring our seed corn. Scotland is right to reject this self-defeating austerity and the Union is at stake unless Labour does the same.
DES MOINES, Iowa -- Six men from China including the CEO of a seed corn subsidiary of a Chinese conglomerate have been charged with conspiring to steal patented seed corn from two of the nation's leading seed developers, prosecutors said Thursday.
While corn seed production in the United States is overwhelmingly geared toward producing hybrid seed corn, there are a handful of corn breeders who are working to create strong open-pollinated varieties that will not only come closer to competing with hybrids for high yields, but will also offer more complex taste and greater tolerance for regional growing conditions.
Stine agreed to help the Post with a challenge for us to place 1000 bags of seed corn with Iowa farmers.
COUNTRYSIDE: I read the question about saving seed corn and having it shrivel up.
"Becoming part of the GROWMARK family of brands will enable Select Seed to continue to offer growers high-performing seed corn along with access to an even broader range of agricultural products and services to improve farm profitability," says Eggerling.