Seed eater

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(Zool.) any finch of the genera Sporophila, and Crithagra. They feed mainly on seeds.

See also: Seed

Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
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An enemy could be a seed eater, an herbivore or a pathogen, said Kellner, who is affiliated with the Institute at Brown for Environment and Society.
Dolichoderus taschenbergi###-###-###07###02###01###03###06###08###27###Nectar and seed eater, fungus feeder
A seed eater, the red-rumped agouti is also a scatterhoarder--it caches large quantities of seeds throughout the forest as a hedge against meager food resources in the future.
Among the top finds were the seed eater Bootanelleus orientalis, which is host specific to Australian pine, and a defoliator moth, Zauclophora pelodes.
The bird species range from seed eaters, water birds, raptors, insect eaters, sunbirds, and so on.
Of course, they aren't feeding on seed, but on the seed eaters.
Evolutionary biologists believe the diversification of flowering plants also supported the radiation of a wide range of animal species, particularly pollinators and seed eaters, from beetles and bees to hummingbirds and bats.
Seed eaters versus seed size, number, toxicity and dispersal.
At the moment I can't get rid of mental pictures I have of murderous water rails, normally such placid seed eaters, thanks to a query from regular readers Mark and Sue Wynn from Widnes.
We are grass seed eaters primarily, legume seed eaters secondarily.
All the seed eaters, finches and tits love peanuts and sunflower seed, and as they contain a lot of oil they help to insulate the birds from the cold.