homologous chromosomes

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homologous chromosomes

pl n
(Biology) two chromosomes, one of paternal origin, the other of maternal origin, that are identical in appearance and pair during meiosis
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The remaining loci have high heterozygous balance, which is typical of two copies of the homologous chromosomes.
For chromosome analysis, karyotyping is advised, which is an ordered pairing of homologous chromosomes.7 The changes in the number or structure of the chromosomes can be identified with the help of this analysis (Karyotyping).
This patient's disease is TCIRG1-related disease, which occurs due to the loss of function of both alleles on the homologous chromosomes. It is generally recessive and malignant.
meadewaldoi, since [CMA.sub.3+] signals were more conspicuous in one of the homologous chromosomes. The base-specifc fuorochrome staining in Frieseomelita sp.n., F.
With the technological advances of molecular genetics, including the accessibility of highly polymorphic markers, homologous rearrangements can now be distinguished as isochromosomes (both arms derived from a single parental chromosome), or true ROB (translocations composed of two different, homologous chromosomes).
Different lengths of the same arm (and band/locus, where applicable) from homologous chromosomes were combined to mean values and then represented in the haploid complement of the idiogram.
The main cause of the sterility of mules and hinnies is probably related to failure of pairing of homologous chromosomes at meiosis during spermatogenesis (Wodsedalek, 1966; Taylor and Short, 1973; Chandley et al., 1974; 1975).
Humans are diploid organisms; they have paired homologous chromosomes in their somatic cells, which contain two copies of each gene.
Whole-genome sequencing generates a single consensus sequence without assigning variants to specific homologous chromosomes.
Homologous chromosomes were arranged on the basis of morphological similarity (size, position of centromere and secondary constriction).