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 (hə-mŏl′ə-gāt′, hō-)
tr.v. ho·mol·o·gat·ed, ho·mol·o·gat·ing, ho·mol·o·gates
To approve, especially to confirm officially.

[Medieval Latin homologāre, homologāt-, from Greek homologein, to agree, from homologos, agreeing; see homologous.]

ho·mol′o·ga′tion n.
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


vb (tr)
1. (Law) law to confirm (a proceeding, etc)
2. (Motor Racing) to recognize (a particular type of car or car component) as a production model or component rather than a prototype, as in making it eligible for a motor race
[C17: from Medieval Latin homologāre to agree, from Greek homologein to approve, from homologos agreeing, from homo- + legein to speak]
hoˌmoloˈgation n
Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


Past participle: homologated
Gerund: homologating

I homologate
you homologate
he/she/it homologates
we homologate
you homologate
they homologate
I homologated
you homologated
he/she/it homologated
we homologated
you homologated
they homologated
Present Continuous
I am homologating
you are homologating
he/she/it is homologating
we are homologating
you are homologating
they are homologating
Present Perfect
I have homologated
you have homologated
he/she/it has homologated
we have homologated
you have homologated
they have homologated
Past Continuous
I was homologating
you were homologating
he/she/it was homologating
we were homologating
you were homologating
they were homologating
Past Perfect
I had homologated
you had homologated
he/she/it had homologated
we had homologated
you had homologated
they had homologated
I will homologate
you will homologate
he/she/it will homologate
we will homologate
you will homologate
they will homologate
Future Perfect
I will have homologated
you will have homologated
he/she/it will have homologated
we will have homologated
you will have homologated
they will have homologated
Future Continuous
I will be homologating
you will be homologating
he/she/it will be homologating
we will be homologating
you will be homologating
they will be homologating
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been homologating
you have been homologating
he/she/it has been homologating
we have been homologating
you have been homologating
they have been homologating
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been homologating
you will have been homologating
he/she/it will have been homologating
we will have been homologating
you will have been homologating
they will have been homologating
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been homologating
you had been homologating
he/she/it had been homologating
we had been homologating
you had been homologating
they had been homologating
I would homologate
you would homologate
he/she/it would homologate
we would homologate
you would homologate
they would homologate
Past Conditional
I would have homologated
you would have homologated
he/she/it would have homologated
we would have homologated
you would have homologated
they would have homologated
Collins English Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011
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References in periodicals archive ?
"Allsport (F1's corporate hospitality company) has said yes, and while the FIA need to homologate the new track, they are happy with the plan in principle."
"Allsport (F1's corporate hospitality company) has said yes, and, while the FIA need to homologate the new track, they are happy with the plan in principle."
Seaver says, "We build a common platform, then homologate the unit to the country requirements." This may occur to adhere to safety regulations, cultural concerns or conservation practices.