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1. A small piece of metal, usually flat and circular, authorized by a government for use as money.
2. Metal money considered as a whole.
3. A flat circular piece or object felt to resemble metal money: a pizza topped with coins of pepperoni.
4. A mode of expression considered standard: Two-word verbs are valid linguistic coin in the 20th century.
5. Variant of quoin.
tr.v. coined, coin·ing, coins
1. To make (pieces of money) from metal; mint or strike: coined silver dollars.
2. To make pieces of money from (metal): coin gold.
3. To devise (a new word or phrase).
Requiring one or more pieces of metal money for operation: a coin washing machine.
the other side of the coin
One of two differing or opposing views or sides.

[Middle English, from Old French, die for stamping coins, wedge, from Latin cuneus, wedge.]

coin′a·ble adj.
coin′er n.

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smooth-cut quoins


also coign or coin  (koin, kwoin)
a. An exterior angle of a wall or other piece of masonry.
b. Any of the stones used in forming such an angle, often being of large size and dressed or arranged so as to form a decorative contrast with the adjoining walls.
c. A piece of wood or other material used as trim on the corner of a building in imitation of such a stone.
2. A keystone.
3. Printing A wedge-shaped block used to lock type in a chase.
4. A wedge used to raise the level of a gun.
tr.v. quoined, quoin·ing, quoins also coigned or coign·ing or coigns or coined or coin·ing or coins
To provide, secure, or raise with a quoin or quoins.

[Variant of coin.]
American Heritage® Dictionary of the English Language, Fifth Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


[ˈkɔɪnɪŋ] n (of money) → coniazione f; (of word) → invenzione f, coniazione f
Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995
References in periodicals archive ?
COULD you be coining it in with a rare edition of the new PS1 coin?
This is 'the finale', so to say, when a coining press strikes a blank with two dies, on the obverse and reverse (heads or tails of a coin), and with more or less 80 tonnes of pressure (depending on the type of coin), a shiny new coin is produced.
Attitudes to Crime in Early Modern England with Special Reference to Witchcraft, Coining and Murder.