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coinfection, co-infection

n coinfección or co-infección f
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Paul Lantos, M.D., from the Duke University Health System in Durham, North Carolina, and colleagues address the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of Lyme disease and Lyme disease complicated by coinfection, as well as the neurologic, cardiac, and rheumatologic complications of Lyme disease.
Human retroviruses have the worldwide distribution but because of the lack of HTLV screening in most of the countries, its coinfection rate with HIV-1 has been underestimated.
The following demographic, clinical and laboratory parameters were abstracted from the HIV clinical database: age, sex, race, body mass index, hypertension (use of anti-hypertensive medication at CKD diagnosis), diabetes mellitus (glucose intolerance requiring pharmacological intervention), hyperlipidemia (useof hypolipidemic medication at CKD diagnosis), prior cardiovascular event, viruses, time of HIV-infection diagnosis, mode of transmission, AIDS stage, CD4 and viral load (current and nadir), current and previous antiretroviral treatment, hepatitis B coinfection (positive serology) and hepatitis C coinfection(positive serology+detectableHCV-RNA).
Regarding the possible synergisms in the coinfection by different agents, bidirectional interaction of HIV and tuberculosis coinfection has already been described, such that one contributes to the aggravation of the other.
Age-wise distribution of coinfection cases, influenza single-infection, and coinfection with other pathogens were described.
Authors in [20] constructed a coinfection model of malaria and cholera diseases with optimal control but never considered sensitivity analysis and analysis of the force of infection.
A number of inconsistencies regarding the relationship between geohelminthiasis and malaria coinfection in pregnancy abound in literature.
Even in industrialized settings with good healthcare access and antiretroviral therapy (ART) availability, HIV-TB coinfection is associated with high mortality [9].
Patients who progress to neurosyphilis typically have anterior uveitis unless there is coinfection with HIV, which appears to facilitate an involvement of the posterior segment [2, 3].
Among the five research articles in this special issue, three manuscripts from Chinese research groups are associated with Schistosoma or Schistosoma/HIV coinfection. Y.
This is thought to be due to the bacteria being able to invade the body more easily via the nose and throat at this time of year due to coinfection with flu virus and because the bacteria can spread more rapidly when people spend longer periods indoors in close proximity.