

joint inheritance
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A Number of Cases in Iran Presenting with Coinheritance of Hemoglobin-H Disease and Beta-Thalassemia Minor.
(14,15) Finally, coinheritance of [alpha]-thalassemia and SCD has been associated with a reduced sickled Hb concentration in erythrocytes, leading to reduced Hb S polymerization, lowered sickling and rate of hemolysis.
Given SCT status and history of recurrent exercise-induced hematuria and proteinuria, it is likely that coinheritance of p.
Harikrishna et al., "Coinheritance of the membrane frizzled-related protein ocular phenotype and glycogen storage disease type Ib," Ophthalmic Genetics, vol.
Coinheritance of HFE H63D mutation may enhance the iron overload in patients with BTM, which may necessitate a more intensive iron chelation therapy in these patients to prevent hemosiderosis development.
The mean of hematological indices among beta-thalassemia and alpha-beta-thalassemia carriers Parameters Mean (1)[+ or -]SD Mean(2)[+ or -]SD Hb (g/dl) 12.4[+ or -]1.8 13.1 [+ or -]2.0 RBC(106/ul) 6.10[+ or -]0.7 6.12[+ or -]0.7 MCV(fl) 63.2[+ or -]5.0 65.4[+ or -]6.1 MCH (pg) 20.3[+ or -]2.0 20.9[+ or -]2.2 HbA2 (%) 5.3[+ or -]0.7 5.2[+ or -]0.7 (1.) The mean values with standard deviations for 100 beta-thai carriers without any common alpha deletion are shown in this column for specific parameters (2.) The mean values with standard deviations for 43 individuals with coinheritance of common alpha deletion and beta-thai mutation are shown in this column for specific parameters
showed that coinheritance of alpha thalassemia with homozygous beta thalassemia resulted in melioration of the beta thalassemia.19 Several studies have reported that clinical picture of the disease changed due to the interaction of a-thal deletions with homozygous b-thal mutations.20, 21
Many of the subjects analyzed in our series [50, 51, 64, 85] showed coinheritance of different genetic alterations in the minor MMR genes (Table 3) we speculate a likely additive role of low penetrance alleles in the disease development, in favor of a putative polygenic inheritance for Lynch syndrome, according to recent literature data [87-89].
Sickle cell anemia (HbSS/HbS-Beta thalassemia zero) accounts for 70% of cases of sickle cell disease in populations of African ethnicity, with most of the remainder having hemoglobin SC disease (HBSC disease) due to the coinheritance of the [[beta].sup.s] and [[beta].sup.c] alleles [2,3].