
Related to Coinhabitant: cohabitate


n.1.One who dwells with another, or with others.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
The test would prevent a defendant's right to security in his home or property from being violated without some notice, and would protect a third party's interest in shared property from being imposed upon by a criminal coinhabitant. Furthermore, this test would not significantly reduce law enforcement effectiveness.
I think that for a variety of reasons, most importantly economic and technological, we are tending to see people more and more as part of the scenery--stage settings for our own narcissisms--rather than as contextualized and fully-dimensioned coinhabitants of our lifeworld.
Before the anonymous narrator discovers his coinhabitants are unreal, the same anonymous narrator analyzes the nature of those people and his relationship with them.
And, with the analytical tools now available, we don't have to wait until that century has passed to see change but can project from today into that future to establish management decisions that will preserve, and nurture, our planet's coinhabitants.
"Ladies and gentlemen, if it is true that international law embodies our consensus as coinhabitants in a single, global community, then it stands to reason that violating it means flouting not just a single nation, but the entire community of nations," he said.