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a.1.(Math.) Having a common beginning.
Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary, published 1913 by G. & C. Merriam Co.
References in periodicals archive ?
Boethius opens his commentary on Aristotle's chapter 5 with a double or coinitial subdivision of single Statements.
Then Bacon proposes a second but coinitial subdivision of single statements in 2.189-90 overlapping the previous division: statements are single either in virtue of terms and what is signified or in virtue only of what is signified (aut secundum vocem et rem seu intellectum aut secundum intellectum solum et rem).
The first branch of the coinitial subdivision of single statements is not further subdivided in 2.191, but the second is distinguished into those that are single without a connective and those single in virtue of a connective.